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Category: Church and Community Life
124 results found.
The centenary of the repose of Saint Tikhon of Moscow and Saint Jonah of Hankow - 28/02/2025

This year, 2025, is the centenary of the repose of two great hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church:  Saint Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (31 January 1865 - 7 April 1925, canonised 1981) and Saint Jonah, Bishop of Hankow (17 April 1888- 20 October 1925, canonised 1996).  In recognition of this significant anniversary, the Synod of Bishops of our Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia has called upon the bishops and clergy to make a particular effort to remember these two holy bishops.  To this end, they are to be commemorated at the dismissal of each Divine Liturgy up until the Great Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple (4 December, the day of the Patriarchal enthronement of Saint Tikhon in 1918) and to remember Saint Tikhon in a sermon and with a moleben on Sunday 6 April, the Fifth Sunday in Great Lent and the eve of the anniversary of his repose.  We will also serve a moleben to Saint Jonah on Sunday 19 October, the Ninenteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the eve of the anniversary of his repose.  Holy Hierarchs Tikhon and Jonah, pray to God for us!

A Pastoral Conference of the Australian New-Zealand Diocese - 05/02/2025

Updated 16 February 2025: On Tuesday 18 March and Wednesday 18 March 2025 the clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese will gather in Melbourne for their customary Great Lenten Pastoral Conference.  On Tuesday the clergy will meet at the Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral for the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion at 5.00pm and Lenten Matins and confession at 6.00pm.  On Wednesday from 8.00am the Lenten Hours, the Typika and the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be served at the Cathedral with Archbishop George presiding and Diocesan clergy concelebrating.  Those of the faithful who have the opportunity to do so are welcome to attend the services on Wednesday morning and may – if properly prepared – receive Holy Communion.  Following Divine Liturgy the clergy will meet in the cathedral hall for lunch, to hear a number of short talks, and to discuss pastoral, liturgical and administrative matters.

The 2025 Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad - 06/01/2025

“Christmastide always evokes feelings of deep love and gratitude in a faithful heart. In these days, let us also raise up our prayerful thanks to God, offering our love to Him and our neighbours. Gratitude and love are always a sacrifice. These are the two mites of the Gospel widow.”  Metropolitan Nicholas’s Epistle is available in full in English here and in Russian here.

The 2025 Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Archbishop George of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand - 06/01/2025

“I ask all of the faithful to make an effort to extend a helping hand to all those in need, giving alms to the poor, donations to the churches, helping them to bring the Word of God and grace to the world, helping others in whatever way you can, thereby showing love to your fellow man and fulfilling the commandment of God.”  Archbishop George’s Epistle is available in full in English here and in Russian here.

Statement on the administration of Holy Communion to those with coeliac disease and similar illnesses - 15/12/2024

From December 6-9, 2024, the final session of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia for 2024 was held in New York.  Amongst other things, the Synod considered the administration of the Mystery of Holy Communion to those who suffer from certain ailments such as coeliac disease and the associated condition of gluten-intolerance.  The Synod “considered this a welcome opportunity to restate its age-old confession on the reception of this Sacrament, which remains unchanged: Namely, that in the Divine Liturgy we, as Christians grafted into the Body of Christ through Baptism, receive our Lord in His own Precious Body and Life-creating Blood. Not only is communion in the full offering of His Body and Blood together not a source of illness or danger, but it is instead the very source of Life, healing and sanctification. As such, those suffering from any condition relating to either of the earthly gifts offered in the Liturgy, namely bread and wine, should have no fear in approaching the Chalice to receive therefrom both the Body and Blood of their Saviour, for that which was offered in human frailty is transformed by Divine Grace into that which bestows Life unto all. For any further practical counsel based on personal circumstances or concerns, the individual should, as always, seek the guidance of his or her priest.”  A full report on the meeting of the Synod is available in English here and in Russian here.

Now available - the November 2024 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/12/2024

The November 2024 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. This is a combined third and fourth issue for 2024, and so the final issue for the year.  Content includes articles in Russian and English about the seventy-fifth anniversary of Melbourne’s Holy Protection Cathedral and the bestowal of a prestigious Patriarchal award, the Order of Saint Sergius of Radonezh (First Degree) upon our Diocesan Chancellor, Mitred Archpriest Michael Protopopov; articles in Russian on the blessing of a memorial to Saint John of Kronstadt in Dandenong, Victoria, and youth matters; articles in English on the missionary parish of the Nativity of the Mother of God in Dardanup, WA and a tour of Serbia by the Russian Orthodox Male Choir of Australia; a beautiful colour supplement of photographs from Azerbaijan; notice of the ordination of a new priest for Saint John the Baptist Skete in Kentlyn, NSW, Father Apostolos Condoleon; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Now available - the August 2024 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/09/2024

The August 2024 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. This is the second issue for 2024.  Content includes an extensive report in both Russian and English with many photographs of the July 2024 visit to our Diocese of Metropolitan Nicholas with the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God; a report of the May 2024 visit of the ‘Hawaiian-Iveron’ Icon; an article by Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff on the ministry of the matushka, the priest’s wife; a report on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Holy Fathers parish in Warrnambool, Victoria; a beautiful colour supplement of photographs from Kazan and Yaroslavl; notice of the ordination of a new deacon for the Melbourne Cathedral, Father Grigory Metlenko; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Youth talk by Metropolitan Nicholas - 09/07/2024

On Wednesday 24 July, His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas (Olkhovsky) of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, will give a talk to youth (ages 14-25) on the Wonderworking “Kursk-Root” Icon of the Mother of God.  The talk will be given at 7.00pm in the parish hall at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral, 3 Vernon Street, Strathfield, NSW.  There will be an opportunity to ask questions of Metropolitan Nicholas, and light refreshments will be provided.

The visit of Metropolitan Nicholas and the 'Kursk-Root' Icon of the Mother of God to the Australian-New Zealand Diocese - 05/06/2024

From Friday 5 July until Friday 26 July, His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas (Olkhovsky) of Eastern America and New York will make his first visit to our Australian-New Zealand Diocese since his election as First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  Accompanying Metropolitan Nicholas will be the Wonderworking “Kursk-Root” Icon of the Mother of God, the Protectress of the Russian Diaspora.  As he will be in our Diocese for a relatively short period of time, Metropolitan Nicholas will only be able to visit parishes in New Zealand, the city of Sydney, and the state of Victoria.  In Sydney he will visit the Kentlyn Convent and the StrathfieldCroydonFairfieldCarltonCentennial Park, and Cabramatta parishes.  A full schedule of planned visits, current as of 5 June 2024, is available here.  The icon will remain in Australia until Thursday 24 October 2024, during which time it is expected that it will visit all the parishes and monastic establishments of the Diocese.  An updated schedule of visits, current as of 24 June 2024, is available here.

The visit of the myrrh-streaming Hawaiian-Iveron Icon of the Mother of God to the Australian-New Zealand Diocese - 08/05/2024

With the blessing of Bishop George, the myrrh-streaming Hawaiian-Iveron Icon of the Mother of God will visit our Australian-New Zealand Diocese from Friday 17 May 2024 until Monday 27 May 2024.  The icon will be in New South Wales from 17 May until 21 May and will visit the Kentlyn Convent and the StrathfieldCabramattaFairfield, and Carlton parishes.  It will not visit our parish.   A full schedule is available here.  Information about the icon is available on the website of the Orthodox Hawaiian Iveron Icon Association. The text of the Akathist that will be sung in the presence of the icon is available in various languages on the same website here.

The 2024 Paschal Epistle of Bishop George of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand - 05/05/2024

The 2024 Paschal Epistle of Bishop George of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand, may be read in English here and in Russian here.  An extract: “We hear in the Paschal canon, sung for the Feast day and throughout the forty days of the feast: “O come all ye faithful, let us worship Christ’s holy Resurrection. For behold, through the Cross joy has come to all the world. Ever blessing the Lord, let us praise His Resurrection. By enduring the Cross for us, He has destroyed death by death.” In this hymn the Church reminds us of the importance of the Cross in our salvation: without the Cross there would be no Resurrection! Christ our Saviour was “obedient unto death, even the death of the cross,” so that our human nature might be freed from the bonds of hell; and then He raised it up to sit at the right hand of God the Father. For us to be partakers of this great blessing we also must be obedient, humbly bearing whatever cross God has given us – “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me” (Matt. 16:24);  and loving God and our neighbour— “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and You shall love your neighbour as yourself” (Matt. 22: 37, 39).”

The 2024 Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 05/05/2024

The 2024 Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, may be read in English here and in Russian here.  An extract: “Truly, in a world frequently faced with crises and uncertainty, Pascha shines like a beacon of hope. Thus, in these difficult times, when mankind is seized by various misfortunes, let us hold fast to the Risen Christ and find in Him consolation amidst sorrows, strength in our ongoing struggle with sin, and surety of eternal life!”

Now available - the April 2024 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 26/04/2024

The April 2024 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. This is the first issue for 2024.  Content includes the Great Lenten Epistle of Metropolitan Nicholas in both Russian and English; edifying articles by Mitred Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff and Priest Gennady Baksheev of the Holy Protection Cathedral in Melbourne; information about the Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Institute; a profile of Priest John Sullivan, rector of the Nativity of the Mother of God Mission in Dardanup, WA; a profile of Priest John Symons, rector of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross parish in Hobart, Tasmania; a beautiful colour supplement, with text in Russian and English, showcasing the magnificent New Jerusalem Monastery near Moscow; a directory of Diocesan parishes, monasteries and missions; details of various recent clergy movements and awards; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

A ROCOR Fund for Assistance appeal to the Australian-New Zealand Diocese - 07/04/2024

The Fund for Assistance (FFA) to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia has issued a Great Lent 2024 Appeal to the Faithful of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese.  The appeal has been made with support for needy clergy particularly in mind, and an undertaking that any donations made will be matched up until a target of US$10,000 is reached.  Donations can be made via the FFA website here.  Questions about the appeal can be asked here.

Diocesan-wide collection for the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville, NY - 23/03/2024

Each year on the First Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia take up a collection to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York. The Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary has for over seventy-five years been the main institution of higher education in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. This collection provides financial assistance to students, covering tuition, room, and board.  As we don’t always have a service on the day of the collection and as in the post-COVID world people carry less cash, our parish now simply makes a donation from parish funds towards this collection.  Those who wish to make a direct donation to the Seminary may do so here.

Monday 6 May, Bright Monday and the day of commemoration of Saint George - 19/03/2024

Updated 29 April 2024: This year Bright Monday, the second day of Pascha, will fall on 6 May, the day of commemoration of the Holy Great-Martyr and Trophy-Bearer George.  The clergy of the Greater Sydney region have been asked to not schedule services in their own parishes on this day, but rather to celebrate Divine Liturgy together with Bishop George on the occasion of his name-day.  Paschal Matins and Divine Liturgy will be served at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield on Monday morning, beginning at 8.00am.  The faithful who wish to do so may also attend this service.

The Great Lenten Epistle of the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad - 17/03/2024

Metropolitan Nicholas writes: “Great Lent is approaching – a time set aside for delving into ourselves, for examining our lives, for repentance and correction. Great Lent is not only a time to refrain from certain types of food; it is a time for asceticism of the mind and senses, when we abstain from impure thoughts, separate ourselves from our habitual sins, entertainments, and harmful routines, when we fast, as St. John Chrysostom says, "with the mouth, the eye, and the ear, and the feet, and the hands, and all the members of our bodies."  His letter can be read in full in English here and in Russian here.

Orthodox religious instruction for inquirers, catechumens, and the faithful - 17/03/2024

With Bishop George's blessing, from late May 2024 the English-language Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church, a parish of our Diocese in Brisbane, will be offering an online course of religious instruction in Orthodox theology and practice.  This course consists of 17 sessions, each comprising an online video (which can be watched at each participant's convenience), a revision task, and an interactive Q&A session via Zoom on Sunday evenings.  The course is suitable for inquirers, catechumens (i.e. those preparing for baptism), and those who are already Orthodox Christians.  The first Zoom session will be held on Sunday 26 May, with the course scheduled to finish in October 2024.  For more information please visit:  To enrol, please visit:

A Pastoral Conference of the Australian New-Zealand Diocese - 21/02/2024

On Tuesday 2 April and Wednesday 3 April, the clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese will gather in Sydney for their customary Great Lenten Pastoral Conference.  On Tuesday the clergy will meet at the church of All Saints of Russia, Croydon, for the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion at 5.00pm and Lenten Matins and confession at 6.00pm.  On Wednesday from 8.00am the Hours and the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be served at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral, Strathfield, with Bishop George presiding and the clergy concelebrating.  Those of the faithful who have the opportunity to do so are encouraged to attend the service on Wednesday morning – smaller parishes like ours do not customarily have the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.  Those who wish to do so may – if properly prepared – receive Holy Communion.  Following Divine Liturgy the clergy will meet in the parish hall at Strathfield for lunch; to hear a number of short talks; and to discuss pastoral, liturgical and administrative matters.

The Epistle of the Synod of Bishops to the Clergy and Flock of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 17/12/2023

On 10 December 2023, at the conclusion of its Winter session in New York, our Synod of Bishops published an Epistle to the Clergy and Flock of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  An extract: “It is necessary, in maintaining one’s Christian character, to firmly - yet calmly and with dignity - defend Holy Orthodoxy, her doctrine of marriage, of our families, of traditional values and religious freedoms. And if our word is combined with the example of an upright Christian life, marked out by active care for our children and their upbringing in the Christian spirit, then our word will prove itself a living and convincing testimony, not only for children and youth, but also for the societies around us.  Let us seek to remember that, no matter how difficult the situation in which a Christian lives, no matter what dark clouds may gather over him, he will always emerge victorious over all evils if he is able, with God’s help, to maintain his faith.”  The complete text of the Epistle is available in English here and in Russian here.

Now available - the November 2023 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/12/2023

The November 2023 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. Content includes a letter of congratulations from the editor, Mitred Archpriest Michael Protopopov, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of our diocese; a brief biography of the first bishop of our Diocese, the ever-memorable Archbishop Theodore (Rafalsky)(+1955); material on the recent rediscovery in Russia of the original Kazan Icon of the Mother of God; articles in Russian on the Nativity Fast, the symbolism of icons of the Nativity of Christ, and the history of the Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, New York; the fascinating account by Mitred Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff of an Orthodox baptism and burial in the Northern Territory, with the burial having taken place on remote Yolngu land; news of the ordination of a new deacon, Father Apostolos Condolean; the decision of the Synod of Bishops in the case of Abbot Sergius (Shatrov), the respected former rector of the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Bombala, NSW; news of Russian community debutante balls in Sydney and Adelaide; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

The Fourteenth ROCOR All-Diaspora Orthodox Youth Conference, Stuttgart (Germany), 25 June-1 July 2024 - 22/11/2023

From 25 June to 1 July 2024 the Fourteenth All-Diaspora Orthodox Youth Conference of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) will be held in Stuttgart, Germany.  The All-Diaspora Youth Conferences, which began in Montreal, Canada, in 1972, bring together ROCOR youth from around the world.  Over the years, many important friendships have been formed at these conferences.  The theme of the 2024 Conference is “Preserving our Orthodox Identity and Heritage in the Diaspora”.  It will be held at a retreat in the mountains near Stuttgart and lectures will be in Russian, English, and German.  The conference program will also include excursions, sports, cultural activities, and a youth ball.  Youth (aged 18-24) of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese who wish to attend should email for further information.

Now available - the September 2023 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 17/10/2023

The September 2023 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. Content includes news of recent clergy ordinations, assignments, awards and retirements; an English-language biography of the ever-memorable Protodeacon Peter Metlenko (+24 August 2023); a Russian-language article about the feast-day of Our Lady’s Dormition parish in Dandenong, Victoria, together with a comprehensive photo-report; a Russian-language history of the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, together with an explanation of icons depicting it; the text in Russian and English of a talk given by Mitred Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff in July 2023 on ”Modern Temptations” (“Современные Искушения”); and more.  Copies are $5.00.

2023 Orthodox Youth Conference - 30/09/2023

The 2023 Orthodox Youth Conference (“Syezd”) of our Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outisde Russia will be held in Melbourne, Victoria, from Tuesday 26 December until Saturday 30 December.  More information and a link to online registration is available in the attached image.

A collection to assist the Auckland parish of our Diocese - 22/09/2023

The Russian Orthodox parish of the Resurrection of Christ in Auckland, New Zealand, was established in October 1950, now over 70 years ago.  Throughout the years since, services have been held in a tiny church in the suburb of Balmoral.  This arrangement has become increasingly unworkable in recent years as the parish has grown, primarily through post-Soviet emigration to New Zealand.  After many years of searching, the Auckland parish has recently been able to secure a four-storey building with ample off-street parking in which to establish large church, a library, a community hall, and a residential apartment.  Work has already commenced to remodel the building for parish use.  Bishop George has appealed to all parishes of our Diocese to collect funds during September to assist the Auckland parish with this work.  We commend this worthy endeavour to our parishioners and friends.  As we will not have any services during September, those who wish to contribute to our collection may do so online (BSB: 032-596, Account number: 140923, “Auckland donation”) or make direct contact with the Auckland parish for its Australian bank account details.

In Memoriam: Protodeacon Peter Metlenko (+24 August 2023) - 31/08/2023

Our Australian-New Zealand Diocese recently learned with sorrow of the repose of Protodeacon Peter Metlenko, a clergyman of the Diocese for over 40 years.  Born in China in 1938, Peter Ivanovich Metlenko arrived in Australia in 1962.  He immediately became a key figure in the establishment of the parish of Our Lady’s Dormition in Dandenong, Victoria; the parish worshipped for a number of years in a chapel established in his garage and he also served as the first Starosta (or Warden) of the parish.  In 1982 the ever-memorable Archbishop Paul (Pavlov) ordained Father Peter to the diaconate, and in 2002 then-Archbishop Hilarion (Kapral) raised him to the rank of Protodeacon.  In 2010 he retired to Sydney and was assigned to the parish of Saint Vladimir, Centennial Park, of which his son, Archpriest Daniel Metlenko, is the rector.  Father Peter reposed in the Lord on 24 August 2023, and has been laid to rest beside his wife, Matushka Elizabeth (+2020), in Springvale Cemetery, Victoria.  We offer heartfelt condolences to Father Daniel and his family and pray that God will give his good and faithful servant, the newly-reposed Protodeacon Peter, rest with the saints.  Царство ему Небесное!

2023 Diocesan Teen Retreat - 29/08/2023

The 2023 Teen Retreat of our Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outisde Russia will be held in Collaroy, NSW, from Sunday 17 December until Thursday 21 December.  More information and a link to online registration is available in the attached image.  The ROCOR Teen Retreat Facebook page can be accessed here.

Now available - the August 2023 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/08/2023

The August 2023 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. Content includes news of clergy assignments; the Russian-language text of Patriarch Kirill’s Appeal to religious leaders and representatives of international organisations in view of the persecution of the Father-Superior of the Kiev-Caves Lavra; a greatly abbreviated Russian-language text of Patriarch Kirill’s Address to the Bishops’ Conference held at the Holy Trinity-Saint Sergius Monastery on 19 July 2023; information in English and Russian about the centenary celebrations of Saint Nicholas Cathedral, Brisbane, held in late May 2023; Russian-language material on the Royal Martyrs of Russia, commemorated on 17 July; a brief article noting the repose of Michael Baden-Powell, Fourth Baron Baden-Powell, the grandson of the founder of the Scout Movement and an official of Scouts Victoria who took an interest in Russian Scouting in Australia; extracts from the Holy Fathers on the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God, celebrated on 28 August; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Now available - the April 2023 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 18/04/2023

The April 2023 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. Content includes news of clergy ordinations, awards, and assignments; information about the centenary celebrations of Saint Nicholas Cathedral, Brisbane, planned for late May 2023; the Russian-language text of a long and interesting interview with Mitred Archpriest Gabriel Makarov, the rector of the Brisbane Cathedral; a report in Russian and English on the Great Lenten Pastoral Conference of the Southern Deanery of our Diocese (covering Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania), held in March this year in Warrnambool, Victoria; a report in Russian and English on the blessing in February 2023 of a new church in Lonnavale, Tasmania; articles in both languages about the suffering Ukrainian Orthodox Church; and more.  Also included is a handy supplement providing contact details for all our parishes, monasteries and missions and their clergy.  Copies are $5.00.

The 2022/23 Nativity Epistle of Bishop George of Sydney and Australia-New Zealand - 07/01/2023

The 2022/23 Nativity Epistle of Bishop George of Sydney and Australia-New Zealand can be read in English here and in Russian here.  This is Bishop George’s first Nativity Epistle as Ruling Bishop of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese.  A further Nativity Greeting from Bishop George can be read here.

The 2022/23 Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Nicholas, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 07/01/2023

The 2022/23 Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Nicholas, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, can be read in English here and in Russian here.  This is Metropolitan Nicholas’ first Nativity Epistle as First Hierarch.

Now available - the December 2022 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 23/12/2022

The December 2022 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. This edition continues the beautiful glossy colour format introduced in December 2020.  Content includes the text in Russian and English of the Resolution of the Twentieth Diocesan Assembly held in October 2022, together with photographs from the Assembly and a list of clergy who co-served with Bishop George at Divine Liturgy on the final day of the Assembly; directives concerning clergy awards, the closure of a mission in Adelaide, and the opening of a mission on the Mid North Coast of NSW; a biography of the newest priest of our Diocese, Father Pavel Baksheev; reports and photographs on the life of the Diocese; the life and work of Archimandrite Pavel (Gruzdev), a Twentieth Century confessor and elder of the Russian Orthodox Church; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Position vacant: Diocesan Youth Coordinator - 11/12/2022

On 3 December 2022 the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of our Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia advertised a permanent part-time position for a Youth Coordinator.  The role of the Youth Coordinator will encompass evaulation, development and implementation of programs and activities for the youth of the Diocese.  More information about the position is available here.  Questions and expressions of interest should be directed to the Diocesan OfficeAdditional information to help applicants:  Applications close 25 December 2022.  Send applications to the Diocesan Office with a cc to Protodeacon Alexander Abramoff.  Interviews are likely to be held during the first week of January, with 9 January 2023 the preferred start date.

Save the date: Services on 27-28 May 2023 commemorating the centenary of Saint Nicholas Cathedral, Brisbane - 11/12/2022

Updated 12 March 2023: On the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 27-28 May 2022, the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia will celebrate the centenary of the founding of the parish of Saint Nicholas in Brisbane, the first Russian Orthodox parish in Australia.  As all Diocesan clergy will gather in Brisbane that weekend for a pastoral conference on Saturday morning and for participation in the commemorative services on Saturday evening and Sunday morning, there will be no services elsewhere in the Diocese.  An epsicopal ukase, or directive, may be viewed here.  A poster with contact information and booking arrangements is available in English here and in Russian here.

The Mid North Coast Orthodox Mission of our Diocese is formally established - 11/12/2022

In June 2019, with Bishop George’s blessing our parish rector began to make pastoral visits to the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, serving Divine Liturgy and performing baptisms.  On 8 December 2022, having received a detailed report on these pastoral visits, Bishop George formally established a missionary community on the Mid North Coast in honour of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye.  The purpose of the mission is to make available Orthodox Christian prayers, sacraments, and teaching on the Mid North Coast; to acquire the material resources and local experience to effectively support this activity; and, in time, to establish a parish in the region.  The territory of the mission will encompass the coastal area from Forster-Tuncurry to Woolgoolga.  A copy of Bishop George’s Ukase can be viewed here.  More information about the Mid North Coast Mission is available here.

Now available - the October 2022 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 24/11/2022

The October 2022 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR), is now available in our parishes. This edition continues the beautiful glossy colour format introduced in December 2020.  Content includes information in Russian and English about the September 2022 Council of Bishops held in New York; the election by that Council of Bishop Nicholas (Olhovsky) as Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York and First Hierarch of the ROCOR; and the appointment of Bishop George as Ruling Bishop of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese. Also included in both languages are articles on the repose of Queen Elizabeth II; the repose of Priest David Lloyd; the July 2022 Residential School of the Saints Cyril and Methodius Institute; the history of the Harbin Diocese of the ROCOR (with many wonderful photographs); and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Two appeals to assist Priest Mark Woloszyn - 31/10/2022

Father Mark Woloszyn is a priest of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia serving in the Holy Virgin Protection (“Pokrov”) Cathedral in East Brunswick, VIC.  He requires expensive surgical treatment for a serious medical condition, and two appeals have been initiated to raise funds to assist him.  The first, from Bishop George, is detailed here.  It includes details of a Diocesan bank account to which donations can be made.  The second, a GoFundMe appeal, is detailed here.  At this second link some additional information is provided concerning Father Mark’s circumstances.  We encourage those who wish to help Father Mark to respond directly to one of these two appeals.  Note: The appeal from Bishop George was updated on 3 November 2022.

Services on 29-30 October, the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost - 30/10/2022

On Saturday 29 October and Sunday 30 October services for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Prophet Hosea (+829 BC) and Monk-Martyr Andrew of Crete (+767 AD) were held at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield, NSW.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  As almost the entire complement of the clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese was in Sydney for the Twentieth Diocesan Assembly, most of our parishes and missions had no services.  Our parish clergy served at the cathedral together with Bishop George and 48 other priests and deacons.  On Sunday morning a reader was tonsured for the Hobart parish, a number of clerics received ecclesiastical awards, and a priest was ordained for the Dandenong parish.  At the Prayer before the Amvon a moleben of thanksgiving was served for the work of the Diocesan Assembly.  Following Divine Liturgy, Diocesan Chancellor Mitred Archpriest Michael Protopopov congratulated Bishop George on his recent appointment by the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia as Ruling Bishop of our Diocese, presenting him with the gift of a panagia on behalf of the clergy. 

The Twentieth Diocesan Assembly of the Australian New-Zealand Diocese is to be held in October 2022 - 11/10/2022

The Twentieth Diocesan Assembly of our Australian-New Zealand Diocese is to be held at the Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield, NSW, from the evening of Thursday 27 October until the afternoon of Sunday 30 October 2022.  As all Diocesan clergy will be participating in the Assembly, the only services in our Diocese on Saturday-Sunday 29-30 October will be at the Strathfield Cathedral.  Our parish delegates to the Assembly will be the parish rector, Archpriest James Carles; Protodeacon Martin Naef; Anna Kourbatov; and Alexey Kozlovski.  Information about the Nineteenth Diocesan Assembly, held in Strathfield in November 2019, is available here.  More information about the Twentieth Diocesan Assembly will be shared as it becomes available.  Update, 12 October 2022:  A copy of the Diocesan Assembly agenda is available here.

Now available - the June 2022 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/07/2022

The June 2022 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. This edition continues the beautiful glossy colour format introduced in December 2020.  Content includes details of March 2022 clergy awards, including awards to our own parish clergy; articles relating to the May 2022 repose and burial of Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) and to the Diocesan observance of the fortieth day of his repose; biographical materials, reflections, and photographs of Vladyka Hilarion; the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of divine service of Mitred Archpriest Michael Protopopov; articles on relations between the Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox Churches and the reestablishment of canonical communion between the Serbian and Macedonian Orthodox Churches; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Services on 23-24 June, the fortieth day of the repose of Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) - 27/06/2022

On Thursday 23 June and Friday 24 June, clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese gathered at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield, NSW, to offer prayers on the fortieth day of the repose of Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral), Ruling Bishop of our Diocese since 1996 and First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia since 2008.  Friday 24 June was also the day of commemoration of the wonder-working “Kursk-Root” Icon of the Mother of God, the “Directress” of the Russian Diaspora; of the wonder-working “Tabynsk” Icon of the Mother of God, revered by both the Russian Orthodox faithful and the Chinese people in Harbin, China, where it was kept from 1918 until 1948; of the Holy Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas; and of the of the Hieromartyr Mitrophan and 222 other New Martyrs of China, slain during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900.  All-night Vigil was served on Thursday evening, with Mitred Archpriest Gabriel Makarov presiding and Protodeacons Alexander Abramoff and Vasily Konstantinidis assisting.  All the clergy vested for the singing of the magnification of the Mother of God before copies of the two wonder-working icons.  On Friday morning the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served, with Mitred Archpriest Michael Protopopov presiding and twenty-eight other clergymen concelebrating.  His Grace Bishop George of Canberra, recovering from illness, prayed in the altar on both days.  Following Divine Liturgy a panikhida was served for our departed First Hierarch, with the kontakion “With the saints give rest” sung together by the choir, clergy and all the faithful.  The clergy, their spouses, and special guests later gathered in the cathedral hall for a commemorative meal.  Over lunch there was discussion of Vladyka Hilarion’s gentleness, kindness, and pastoral warmth, characteristics that remained steadfast even as he rose in the church hierarchy; the possibility of a memorial within the cathedral grounds to all our departed Diocesan bishops; and missionary efforts in Vladyka’s memory.  Many years was sung for Bishop George, the Administrator of the Diocese, and for Archpriest Barnabas Jellings, celebrating his name-day that day.

Services on 23-24 June, the fortieth day of the repose of Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) - 06/06/2022

Updated 7 June 2022: On Friday 24 June, the day of commemoration of the wonderworking “Kursk-Root” and “Tabinsk” Icons of the Mother of God and of Hieromartyr Mitrophan and 222 other New Martyrs of China, slain during the Boxer Rebellion (+1900), Bishop George and the clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese will gather at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield to observe the fortieth day of the repose of Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral).  A brief biography of Metropolitan Hilarion is available here.  Bishop George's directive may be viewed here.  All-night Vigil will be served from 6.00pm on Thursday and the HoursDivine Liturgy and a panikhida will be served from 9.00am on Friday.  Clergy have been asked to wear blue vestments.  All are welcome to attend these services.

Decisions of the Synod of Bishops following the repose of Metropolitan Hilarion - 25/05/2022

Since the repose of Metropolitan Hilarion on Monday 16 May 2022, the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) has made several decisions concerning church life.  On Tuesday 17 May it was resolved, amongst other things, that our newly-reposed First Hierarch be especially commemorated at each Divine Liturgy during the Paschal season and that a panikhida be served on the fortieth day of his repose, Friday 24 June; that the name of Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany be commemorated during the divine services in all ROCOR churches immediately following the commemoration of Patriarch Kyrill; and that Bishop George of Canberra would be appointed Acting Ruling Bishop of the Australian-New-Zealand Diocese.  On Monday 23 May it was resolved, amongst other things, to convene a Council of Bishops in New York from 13-21 September 2022 with the purpose of electing a new ROCOR First Hierarch; and to especially commemorate Metropolitan Hilarion on Sunday 26 June, the Second Sunday after Pentecost, as well as on the fortieth day of his repose.

Now available - the April 2022 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 25/04/2022

The April 2022 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. This edition continues the beautiful glossy colour format introduced in December 2020.  Content includes Metropolitan Hilarion’s 2022 Paschal Epistle in Russian; the Ukase concerning Priest Alexei Jukoff’s transfer from Dandenong to Adelaide to assist and then replace the retiring rector of the Saint Nicholas parish, Archpriest Vladimir Deduhin; a Russian-language obituary of the late ever-memorable Protodeacon Constantine Moshegov; information about the 2022 Great Lenten Pasoral Conference of our Diocese; Part II of ‘The Relationship Between the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and the Serbian Orthodox Church in Australia in the period from 1950 until 1969’, the English-language text of a lecture presented to the ROCOR Centenary Conference; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Archpastoral Epistle to the Clergy and Flock of the Eastern American and Australian-New Zealand Dioceses on Great Lent and on the Events on the Holy Ukrainian Land - 24/02/2022

On 24 February 2022 Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and Ruling Bishop of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese, issued an 'Archpastoral Epistle to the Clergy and Flock of the Eastern American and Australian-New Zealand Dioceses on Great Lent and on the Events on the Holy Ukrainian Land.'  The Epistle can be read in Russian here and in English here.

Funeral arrangements for Protodeacon Constantine Moshegov (+30 January 2022) - 02/02/2022

Many of our parishioners and friends will already have heard the grievous news of the untimely repose, on Sunday 30 January 2022, of Protodeacon Constantine Moshegov, a respected and much-loved clergyman of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese, an accomplished eye surgeon, and a long-standing friend of our parish.  Father Constantine was the brother-in-law of our own Protodeacon Martin Naef.  We offer heartfelt condolences to Father Constantine’s widow, Matushka Natalie, and to their children Sophia and Julian; to Father Martin, Matushka Tatiana and family; to Father Constantine's mother, sister and wider family; and to the parish of All Saints of Russia, Croydon, of which he has been such an integral part for over twenty years.  Divine Liturgy will be served at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral, Strathfield, at 7.30am on Saturday 5 February; the funeral service for the newly-reposed Protodeacon Constantine will follow at 9.30am.  Participating clergymen have been asked to wear white vestments.  The burial will be at Rookwood Cemetery (Russian Orthodox Section 3, Grave 514A) at 12.00pm.  For those unable to attend, the service may be viewed online here.  In lieu of flowers, the family has asked that donations be made to Orthodox Christian monasteries with a request for daily prayers for Protodeacon Constantine’s repose.  May God give him rest with the saints!

Now available - the December 2021 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 31/12/2021

The December 2021 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, has recently become available in our parishes. This edition continues the beautiful glossy colour format introduced in December 2021.  Content includes Metropolitan Hilarion’s 2021-22 Nativity Epistle in Russian; ‘Скорбней Юбилей’, a Russian-language article about the centenary of the 1922 Soviet decree confiscating church valuables; details of clergy movements and awards; a Russian-language list of living and departed Diocesan clergy for commemoration in church and in private prayer; ‘The Relationship Between the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and the Serbian Orthodox Church in Australia in the period from 1950 until 1969’, the text of a lecture presented to the ROCOR Centenary Conference; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Useful information about when weddings can be celebrated, together with a list of available dates in 2022 and 2023 - 17/12/2021

In conjunction with Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Wallsend, our parish has developed and published an explanation of the reasons why weddings cannot be celebrated on certain days and dates and during certain seasons. It incorporates a list of Sundays and Fridays on which weddings can be celebrated that has now been updated to include Sundays and Fridays in 2023.  This information, which can be accessed either here or via our Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals page, has been prepared to help our parishioners and friends when planning weddings in parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. Should anyone have any questions about this information, please contact us.

Saint Jonah's Russian Orthodox School Committee hosts an online forum about home-schooling - 07/11/2021

On Sunday 7 November Saint Jonah’s Russian Orthodox School Committee, a Sydney-based charitable organisation supporting initiatives in education from a Russian Orthodox perspective, hosted an online forum on home education.  Participating in the forum were Bishop George, Archpriest George Lapardin, members of the Committee, teachers from within the Russian Orthodox community, and parents considering home education.  Presentations were given by two home educators, Katherine Iliuk and our own Matushka Marie Carles.  Matushka Marie, who has over 25 years’ experience as a home educator, spoke about the reasons for home-schooling, the various methods of home-schooling, the practicalities of each method, and the pros and cons for parents and children.  Candidly reflecting on her own experience as a home educator, she emphasised the need to consider the long-term personal, social, and occupational implications of home-schooling for the children involved.  Following the presentations, participants were able to ask questions of the speakers, share their own experiences, and make comments.

Now available - the October 2021 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/11/2021

The October 2021 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, has recently become available in our parishes. This edition continues the beautiful glossy colour format introduced in December 2021.  Content includes, in both Russian and English, Metropolitan Hilarion’s Jubilee Epistle; details of clergy awards and movements; an appeal and a statement from Bishop George relating to the COVID-19 pandemic; ‘Why Keep the Ten Commandments’; material on Saint Alexander Nevsky; ‘About the Power of a Child’s Prayer’; ‘The Beginning of Construction of the First Church [in Australia] in Memory of the All-Russian Wonder-Worker, St John of Kronstadt’; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Australian parishes of our Diocese to serve a moleben on Sunday 19 September - 18/09/2021

At the request of Bishop George of Canberra, Administrator of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, the Australian parishes of our diocese will on Sunday 19 September serve the “Moleben sung in time of devastating epidemic and death bearing pestilence”.  Noting “the turmoil in our country at the present time”, Bishop George has asked that the moleben be served after Divine Liturgy “so that God may have mercy on us and grant us peace and health”.  Although our church in Gosford remains closed for public services our parish rector continues to serve Divine Liturgy each Sunday, and so the moleben will also be served in our parish.  May our merciful God indeed deliver us from sickness, death, and strife amongst His people!

Jubilee Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad - 28/08/2021

In a Jubilee Epistle to the clergy and faithful of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, Metropolitan Hilarion writes: “In this special year of the 800th anniversary of the birth of the Holy Right-Believing Alexander, that wise diplomat and ruler, and the centennial of the I All-Diaspora Council – which took place from November 21 to December 2, 1921, in Sremski Karlovci – the Russian Orthodox people living in the Diaspora are called to augmented prayer, the doing of good deeds in all respects, and a private examination of the tablets of history, so that, by drawing from it much-needed strength and inspiration, they might continue in fortitude and renewal of spirit the patient bearing of their life’s cross. We celebrate anniversaries in our lives and honour the jubilee celebrant; so must we also unite ourselves in one common assembly and with great zeal confirm ourselves in Holy Orthodoxy, by no means shaming the memory of the Venerable Prince and of our ever-memorable forebears in the Diaspora, or the honour of our dear Mother – the Local Russian Orthodox Church”. The complete Jubilee Epistle can be read in Russian here and in English here.

An academic conference to mark the Centenary of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 27/08/2021

In 2020 our Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia observed the centenary of its foundation.  To mark this historic anniversary, an academic conference will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, in November this year.  Titled ‘Links between Times: Conclusions and Perspectives – On the Centennial of the Russian Church Abroad’, the conference has been organised by the Archive of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the website Historical Studies of the Russian Church Abroad.  The conference will be broadcast live.  A detailed program with information about registration is available here.

The 2021 Paschal Epistle of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia - 02/05/2021

The 2021 Paschal Epistle of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia may be read in English here and in Russian hereAn extract: "From year to year, from century to century, from millennium to millennium, this thanksgiving triumphantly resounds throughout the world – resounds despite all temptations, hardships and ordeals. And it does not stop today, when the world is suffering from the baneful pestilence.  At these trying times it is particularly important to support those diseased and infirm, those grieving over the loss of their relatives and friends, those who have lost their livelihood, those who cannot come to church. Let us do what we can to help the afflicted, let us not walk with indifference past the people in need of our concern, attention and care".

The 2021 Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 02/05/2021

The 2021 Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, may be read in English here and in Russian hereAn extract: "Together, as we send up gratitude to God, Who has spared our souls from death, for the preservation of our life and the opportunity to spend the present highly-exalted days in church, we should not forsake those lessons that are given to us by current events. Let us not neglect the health measures implemented for staving off the coronavirus infection, as the Sacred Scriptures say: “before you fall ill, take care of your health” (Sirach 18:19). This means that precaution is itself a lifesaving medicine. Let us also not forsake prayer that the plague – which has distressed many with the fear of death – will pass, that the Lord, just as in the Old Testament, will relent “concerning the disaster” and say to the Angel who is afflicting us, "Enough! Withdraw your hand" (2 Samuel 24:16)".

Now available - the April 2021 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 02/05/2021

The April 2021 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, has recently become available in our parishes. This Paschal edition continues the beautiful glossy colour format introduced in December 2021.  Content includes Metropolitan Hilarion’s Paschal Epistle in Russian and English; details of ordinations and clergy appointments; a list of living and departed clergy of the Diocese for commemoration in prayer; a letter from the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in Australia to the NSW Attorney-General concerning confession and mandatory reporting of child sexual offences; a directory of clergy and parishes; ‘Christian Morals and Values Shaping the Future of the Russian World’, a paper presented at a seminar in Germany in 2015; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

A Pastoral Conference of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese - 19/03/2021

On Tuesday 30 March and Wednesday 31 March many of the clergymen of our Australian-New Zealand Diocese will gather in Sydney for their customary Great Lenten Pastoral Conference.  On Tuesday evening the clergy will meet at the church of All Saints of Russia, Croydon for the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion at 5.00pm and Lenten Matins and confession at 6.00pm.  On Wednesday morning from 8.00am the Hours and the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be served at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral, Strathfield with Bishop George presiding and the clergy concelebrating.  Our parish clergy, Archpriest James Carles and Protodeacon Martin Naef, both plan to attend.  Those of the faithful who wish to do so are welcome to attend the service on Wednesday morning and – if properly prepared – to receive Holy Communion.  Following Divine Liturgy the clergy will meet privately to discuss a range of pastoral, liturgical and administrative matters.

Prayers to be offered on the anniversary of the assassination of Emperor Paul I of Russia (+1801) - 16/03/2021

Paul I (1754-1801) was Emperor of Russia from 1796 until his assassination on 24 March 1801.  Devoted to Russia and steadfast in the Orthodox faith from his childhood, he opposed the revolutionary and anti-religious currents then disturbing Europe.  During his brief reign he improved the circumstances of peasants, serfs and soldiers, and did much to aid the education and living conditions of the Orthodox clergy.  He was brutally murdered by members of the nobility and military leaders who resented his reforms.  Emperor Paul’s memory having long been revered by the Russian Orthodox Church, the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia has directed that prayers be offered in his memory on the Saturday closest to the two-hundred and twentieth anniversary of his assassination, Saturday 27 March.  In this parish he will be commemorated at the general panikhida to be served at 5.00pm on Saturday 3 April.

Archpastoral Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, to the Clergy and Flock of the Eastern American and Australian-New Zealand Dioceses - 18/02/2021

On 18 February 2021 Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, published an Archpastoral Epistle to the Clergy and Flock of the Eastern American and Australian-New Zealand Dioceses.  The full text of the Epistle can be read in English here and in Russian hereAn extract: "Dear fathers, brothers, and sisters! Bowing reverently before the memory of the above-mentioned giants of the Russian Church, let us take an interest in their lives, labors, and legacies, and let us take up the “exhausting and difficult task” of working on ourselves during the approaching Great Lent. Let us augment our prayers and reading, and take care for the doing of good deeds, taking hold of ourselves and declaring war on our sinful habits. It is truly comforting to observe how, in preparation for this salvific time, full of the most beautiful and meaningful services of the Church year, the pandemic has begun to die down, quarantine measures are being relaxed, and the normal flow of life is gradually returning. Nevertheless, I call on the rectors of the parishes and monasteries to continue to act with careful circumspection, adhering to common sense, sanitary norms, and the regulations set by local authorities, taking the recommended precautionary measures as circumstances dictate, while the order of receiving Communion should remain unchanged. Manifestations of disobedience and "zeal not according to knowledge" (Romans 10:2) on these matters, as the pandemic has shown us, lead not only to outbreaks of sickness, but also to serious divisions among the people, to say nothing of every manner of other temptations. Therefore, obey readily and without complaint the directives of the Hierarchy and local governments, which in the present circumstances are being undertaken precisely for our benefit. Calling on God’s aid, let us also call on doctors and medics to offer assistance in the parishes, remembering the words of the most wise Sirach: "the Lord hath created the physician… and medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them" (Sirach 38:1,4). The great luminaries of Christ’s Church respected doctors and medical science. The Holy Hierarch Basil the Great says, “Humanity is the regular business of all you who practice as physicians… for health we are dependent on your skill” (Letter to Eustathius the Physician). In his Letter to Olympias, the Holy Hierarch John Chrysostom asks for remedy for himself, and counsels others to make use of the aid of physicians and medicines".

Now available - the December 2020 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 31/12/2020

The December 2020 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, has recently become available in our parishes. This edition commemorates the centenary of the foundation, in 1920, of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, and is in a beautiful new format that includes colour photographs and QR codes with links to further information.  Content includes details of ordinations, clergy awards, and appointments; reports on feast-day celebrations in Geelong and at the Kazan Convent in Kentlyn, NSW; an extensive report marking the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of Saint John the Baptist Skete in Kentlyn, together with an appeals for funds to assist with the rebuilding of the skete; an obituary of His Holiness Irenej, Patriarch of Serbia, who reposed this year as a result of the coronavirus; the Jubilee Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion; a beautiful colour reproduction of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God, suitable for framing; materials on globalisation from the perspective of the Russian Orthodox Church; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Now available - the September 2020 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/10/2020

The September 2020 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, has recently become available in our parishes. As usual, it contains a number of interesting articles in both Russian and English. This issue includes the Russian-language text of the Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion on the fiftieth anniversary of the canonisation of Saint Herman of Alaska; the Russian and English texts of the Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion to Participants in ROCOR Centenary celebrations in Sydney in July 2020 organised by the Two-Headed Eagle Society; the text of episcopal circulars and decrees; a ‘Homily on the Veneration of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross’ by Saint Theodore the Studite; a moving article by Matushka Karen Baker reflecting on the coronavirus pandemic and on the death of her husband in a motor vehicle accident, leaving her a young widow with six children; and others.  Copies are $5.00.

Now available - the April 2020 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 28/04/2020

The April 2020 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, has recently become available in our parishes. As usual, it contains a number of interesting articles in both Russian and English. This issue includes the Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion in Russian and English; “Домашнее Богослужение Воскресного Дня”; “How Saint Valentina of Minsk helped during the Great Patriotic War”; the text of episcopal statements, letters and decrees; materials relating to the coronavirus pandemic; and a directory of Diocesan parishes and clergy.  Copies are $5.00.  During the period in which our church is closed, we will post a copy to any of our parishioners who would like one.

No services to be held at Rookwood Cemetery on Radonitsa - 21/04/2020

Having received advice from Rookwood General Cemetery, Bishop George has advised the clergy of the Sydney Deanery that there are to be no services at the cemetery on Radonitsa this year.  In the Russian Orthodox tradition, Radonitsa (the "Day of Rejoicing") is the first day after Pascha on which the departed are commemorated.  It is customarily observed on the second Tuesday after Pascha.  Instead of graveside services, Bishop George has recommended that a general memorial service be served in church.  Although our church remains closed, our parish rector will commemorate our departed founders, benefactors, parishioners and relatives in a general memorial service following divine Liturgy on Thomas Sunday, Sunday 26 April.

The 2020 Paschal Epistle of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia - 19/04/2020

The 2020 Paschal Epistle of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia may be read in English here and in Russian here.

The 2020 Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 19/04/2020

The 2020 Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, may be read in English here and in Russian here.

Now available - the January 2020 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 11/04/2020

The January 2020 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, has recently become available in our parishes. As usual, it contains a number of interesting articles in both Russian and English. This issue includes the Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion in Russian and English; the text of episcopal statements, letters and decrees; a list of living and departed clergy of the Diocese for remembrance in prayer; and a directory of Diocesan parishes and clergy.  Copies are $5.00.  During the period in which our church is closed, we will post a copy to any of our parishioners who would like one.

A Pastoral Conference of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese - 21/02/2020

On Tuesday 24 March and Wednesday 25 March many of the clergymen of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese will gather in Sydney for their customary Great Lenten Pastoral Conference.  On Tuesday evening the clergy will meet at the church of All Saints of Russia in Croydon for the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion at 5.00pm and Lenten Matins and confession at 6.00pm.  On Wednesday morning from 8.00am the Hours and the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be served at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield with Bishop George presiding and the clergy concelebrating.  Those of the faithful who wish to do so are welcome to attend the service on Wednesday morning and – if properly prepared – to receive Holy Communion.  Following Divine Liturgy the clergy will meet to discuss a range of pastoral, liturgical and administrative matters including plans for our Diocesan celebration of the centenary of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  UPDATE 13 March 2020: In view of the escalating COVID-19 crisis, the Pastoral Conference has been cancelled.

Special litanies and prayerful supplications to mark the Centenary of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 10/02/2020

At the December 2019 session of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) consideration was given to special litanies and other prayerful supplications to mark this year’s centenary of ROCOR’s foundation.  It was agreed that at the dismissal of every Divine Liturgy this year the prayers of a number of saints important to ROCOR would be invoked: our Fathers among the saints, Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, the new Confessor; the Blessed New-Martyr Peter, Metropolitan of Krutitsia; John, the Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco, the Wonderworker; Jonah, the Bishop of Hankow in Manchuria; and the Holy Martyr Alexander of Munich.  In our parish, these commemorations began on Saturday 15 February 2020, the Great Feast of the Meeting of the Lord.  In addition, instructions were given for the commemoration at all memorial services of their Beatitudes the ever-memorable Metropolitans Anthony and Anastassy; the Metropolitans Philaret, Vitaly and Laurus; all those who for Christ and the Russian Church laboured in divers lands, and the other archpastors, pastors, founders and benefactors of the Russian Diaspora; for the elect sons and daughters of the Church of Russia, who faithfully struggled for her unity, good estate and honour in the realms of piety, blessedness, governance, the protection of the persecuted and the veneration of the New Martyrs and Confessors; for our righteous ancestors, and for their peaceful repose and blessed memory.  We will begin this commemoration at our next general pannikhida on Saturday 14 March.  A copy of the full Synod Memorandum is available in English here and in Russian here.

Now available - the November 2019 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/01/2020

The November 2019 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. As usual, it contains a number of interesting articles in both Russian and English. In Russian: "Мельбурн: 70 лет приходу Покровского собора"; "Австралийцы поют в Соборе Кремля"; "Указы"; and more. In English: details of a number of service awards recently given to Diocesan clergy; the Resolution of the Nineteeth Triennial Assembly of Clergy and Laity of the Diocese; "Five ways Eastern Orthodoxy differs from other Christian denominations"; "Christmas Lent"; "Can a Christian marry a Muslim?"; "What is Patriarch Bartholomew's error?"; "Shame before Confession"; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Pilgrimage to Tubabao, 17-27 February 2020 - 19/12/2019

With blessing of His Grace Bishop George of Canberra, Abbot Dorofei (Urusov) will be leading a pilgrimage to the island of Tubabao in The Phillippines.  In 1949-50 Tubabao was a place of refuge for Russians leaving China after the communist victory there in 1949.  The great hierarch and wonderworker of the Russian diaspora, Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco, lived and served on Tubabao during this time.  This pilgrimage will honour the place of his prayer and commemorate the Russian presence on the island.  The program will include Divine Liturgy, a memorial service, benevolent work including a dinner for the children of the island, creative evenings, visits to natural attractions, and cultural activities.  Contact details are available here, and some historical information is available here.

Now available - the July 2019 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/08/2019

The July 2019 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes.  As usual, it contains a range of interesting articles in both Russian and English.  In Russian: “Богородице-Казанский Монастырь готовится отметить 60-летие”; “Православный Богословский Институт Святых Кирилла и Мефодия”; “Храмы и их история память о Романовых за Рубежом”; “О неприкосновенности жизни человека с момента зачатия”; and more.  In English: material concerning the twentieth anniversary of the Holy Fathers Mission in Warrnambool, Victoria; an article about the July 2019 residential school of the Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Institute; an interview with Metropolitan Onuphry (Berezovsky), Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church; lives of the Orthodox Popes of Rome; and an article about why some priests can refuse to be spiritual fathers.  Copies are $5.00.

Russian and other Orthodox Kids' Camp, 15-20 December 2019 - 01/06/2019

A group of young families working under the auspices of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin parish in Cabramatta, NSW, is again organising a camp for Russian and other Orthodox children and young people aged 8-17 to be held in Toukley, NSW - here on the Central Coast - from 15 December - 20 December 2019.  The cost will be $425.00 per person, or $399.00 if payment is made by 30 September 2019.  For those interested, more information is available here.

The Nineteenth Diocesan Assembly of the Australian New-Zealand Diocese is to be held in November 2019 - 29/05/2019

On 29 May 2019 His Grace Bishop George of Canberra advised parish rectors and monastic superiors that the Nineteenth Diocesan Assembly of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese would be convened at the Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield, NSW, in November 2019.  Commencing on the evening of Thursday 14 November and concluding on the afternoon of Sunday 17 November, the Assembly will coincide with Diocesan celebrations of the thirty-fifth anniversary of Metropolitan Hilarion’s consecration to the episcopacy on 10 December 1984.  As all Diocesan clergy will be participating in the Assembly and associated commemorative activities, the only services in our Diocese on Saturday-Sunday 16-17 November will be at the Strathfield Cathedral.  Information about the Eighteenth Diocesan Assembly, held in Cabramatta in November 2016, is available here.

Now available - the April 2019 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 24/04/2019

The April 2019 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes.  As usual, it contains a range of interesting articles in both Russian and English.  In Russian: Пасхальное Послание Митрополита Илариона; "О призвании общественном служении женщины-христианки"; and more.  In English: The Paschal Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia; the Communique of the 2019 Lenten Conference of the Clergy of the Diocese; a brief obituary of Father Seraphim Slade;  details of a number of awards given to clergymen of the Diocese; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

The 2019 Australian-New Zealand Diocese Lenten Pastoral Conference - 27/03/2019

On Tuesday 26 March and Wednesday 27 March 2019 the clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese gathered in Sydney, NSW, for the customary Lenten Pastoral Retreat and Conference.  On Tuesday afternoon the clergy met for refreshments and fellowship in the hall of the Archbishop’s Chapel of All Saints of Russia in Croydon.  Lenten Matins was then served with the rector of the Croydon parish, Priest Simon Nekipelov, presiding.  During the service many of the clergy took the opportunity to confess and receive absolution.  In a departure from tradition, the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion was not read prior to Matins; this allowed time after the service for an evening lecture by Archpriest Peter Heers, Lecturer in Dogmatic Theology at the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, NY.  On Wednesday morning the clergy gathered at the Diocesan Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Strathfield for the reading of the Hours and the concelebration of the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.  Metropolitan Hilarion presided at Divine Liturgy, concelebrating together Bishop George, 28 priests and 16 deacons.  A complete list of participating clergymen is available here. The Russian Orthodox Male Choir of Australia sang at the service under the direction of a talented young conductor, Reader Nektary Kotlaroff.  During Divine Liturgy a number of Diocesan clergymen received awards for their service to the Holy Orthodox Church.  Of note, Mitred Archpriest Michael Proptopopov, Diocesan Chancellor and Dean of Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania, was awarded the right to wear the second pectoral cross, and Priest Dionysios Halim – who served in our parish during our rector’s absence late last year and early this year – was awarded the right to wear the gold pectoral cross.  Following Divine Liturgy, the clergy gathered in the church hall for a Lenten lunch prepared by the Cathedral Ladies’ Auxiliary.  After lunch, Metropolitan Hilarion opened the Pastoral Conference, expressing his joy at being back in the Diocese.  He noted many new faces and thanked Bishop George for his care for the Diocese.  He also thanked the clergy for their labours, noting that many worked in full-time secular employment in addition to their church responsibilities.  The presentations and discussion that followed were focused primarily on the blessing of marriages and on the preparation of candidates for baptism.  A selection of photographs and a communiqué are available here.

Now available - the January 2019 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/01/2019

The January 2019 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes.  As usual, it contains a range of interesting articles in both Russian and English.  In Russian: “Послание Архиерейского Синода Клиру и Пастве Русской Зарубежной Церкви”; "Патриаршество на Руси"; "Торжество Православия – торжество здравого смысла”; and more.  In English: “The Epistle of the Synod of Bishops to the Clergy and Flock of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia”; “Prototypes of the Nativity: What did prophets say about the coming of the Saviour?”; “Where do liturgical colours come from?”; “A list of last minute rules and suggestions in preparation for Great Lent”; and more.  Also included is a useful list of Diocesan parishes, monastic establishments and clergy.  Copies are $5.00.

2018 Annual Diocesan Teen Retreat - 01/10/2018

This year our Diocese will hold its eighth annual Orthodox Teen Retreat.  Established in 2011, our Diocesan Teen Retreats cater for young people aged 14-17.  This year’s Teen Retreat will be held to the south of Sydney at Stanwell Tops from Sunday 16 December until Friday 21 December.  The theme is 'Bringing the saints to our lives'.  For more information visit

Annual Diocesan Youth Conference, 27-31 December 2018 - 16/09/2018

This year our Diocese is again convening a Diocesan youth conference or "Syezd".  Established in 1965 at the instigation of the ever-memorable Archbishop Sava (Raevsky, +1976), these conferences have been an important spiritual and social event for the youth of our Diocese ever since.  This year’s conference – the theme of which is ‘The Life and Wisdom of the Holy Fathers’ – will be held from 27-31 December in Melbourne and is open to young people aged 18 - 30.  More information is available here.

The 2019 Pastoral Conference of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese - 01/09/2018

On Tuesday 26 March and Wednesday 27 March 2019 the clergymen of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese will gather in Sydney for their customary Great Lenten Pastoral Conference.  On Tuesday evening the clergy will meet at the church of All Saints of Russia in Croydon for the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion at 5.00pm and Lenten Matins and confession at 6.00pm.  On Wednesday morning from 8.00am the Hours and the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be served at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield with Bishop George presiding and the clergy concelebrating.  Those of the faithful who wish to do so are welcome to attend the service on Wednesday morning and – if properly prepared – to receive Holy Communion.  Following Divine Liturgy the clergy will meet to discuss a range of pastoral and liturgical matters.

Now available - the July 2018 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/08/2018

The July 2018 issue of the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia is now available in our parishes.  As usual, it contains a range of interesting articles in both Russian and English.  In Russian: Послание митрополита Восточно-Американского и Нью-Йоркского Илариона, Первоиерарха Русской Зарубежной Церкви, по случаю 100-летия мученической кончины святых и благоверных Царственных Страстотерпцев; "Прислужник Св. Иоанна Шанхайского - История Русского рассеяния"; "Созерцатель или созидатель" - памяти прот. Симеона Кичакова; and more.  In English: "Why do we pray for the dead on the second, ninth and fortieth day of a person's repose, and what is the basis for the practice?"; "Eight tips for Christian parents on raising chldren in today's world"; "The life story of Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Vladimir"; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Prayers for rain are being offered in the parishes and monasteries of our Diocese - 01/08/2018

In view of ongoing severe drought conditions in significant parts of Australia, His Grace Bishop George issued a directive on 1 August 2018 that all parishes and monasteries of the Diocese offer prayers for God’s mercy and for rain.  These prayers will continue until further notice.

Now available - the April 2018 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/05/2018

The April 2018 issue of the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia is now available in our parishes.  In addition to the Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion in both Russian and English, there is a range of interesting articles in both languages.  In Russian: "Догмат о Пресвятой Троице"; "Царь-Освободитель - 200 лет со дня рождения Александра II"; and more.  In English: "Why on the right hand: The meaning of [wedding] rings in the Orthodox Tradition”; "A few tips on helping your children grow to become faithful Orthodox adults"; and more.  Also included is a list of Diocesan recipients of the Partriarchal Medal commemorating the centenary of the re-establishment of the Patriarchate in the Russian Orthodox Church and a list of living and departed Diocesan clergy for commemoration in prayer.  Copies are $5.00.

A fundraising dinner to benefit the Presentation Sisterhood in Bungarby, NSW - 08/04/2018

At 5.00pm on Sunday 20 May 2018 a fundraising dinner will be held in the church hall at Saints Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Cathedral, 3 Vernon Street, Strathfield, to assist the Presentation Sisterhood in Bungarby, NSW, a monastic community of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  A French-themed dinner will be served, and during the evening well-known Serbian Orthodox priest Father Rade Radan will give a talk entitled 'Serpents and Doves'.  Child-minding will be available.  Tickets are $50.00 for adults, $40.00 for pensioners, and $15.00 for children aged 15 and younger.  Seating will be at tables of 8.  More information is available at

“Heart of Gold” 2018 – A concert to benefit orphaned and abandoned children and the needy in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine - 08/04/2018

On Sunday 29 April 2018 at 2.00pm at the Russian Club, 7 Albert Road, Strathfield, Orthodox Action Sydney will present its seventeenth charity concert, “Heart of Gold” 2018.  The program will feature a mixture of classical music, Russian folklore, humour, and dancing.  All funds raised will benefit orphaned and abandoned children and the needy in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.  Tickets are $30.00 for adults, $25.00 for pensioners and students, and $10.00 for children 5-10 years of age.  More information can be obtained by contacting Vera on 9747-3109 or Natasha on 9730-2367.

Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Institute inaugural free lecture series - 08/04/2018

Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Institute (SCMOI) is the newly-established theological and higher learning institute of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  It provides undergraduate and postgraduate award courses by arrangement with the Adelaide College of Divinity and the Uniting College for Leadership and Theology.  SCMOI is offering a free online lecture series on "Sexuality, Homosexuality and the Bible" beginning on Thursday 19 April 2018.  Online registration is available here:

Now available - the January 2018 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/02/2018

The January 2018 issue of the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia is now available in our parishes.  In addition to the Nativity Epistle of Patriarch Kyrill in Russian and the Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion in both Russian and English, there is a range of interesting articles in both languages.  In Russian: "Памятник Царю-Мученику Николаю установлен в Австралии"; "Делегация Украиской Православной Церкви Московского Патриархата в Австралии" and more.  In English: "Australian and New Zealand Seventh Annual Teen Retreat”; a number of articles about Orthodox Christian practices; and more.  Also included are notices concerning recent ordinations and clergy movements.  Copies are $5.00

The Final Report of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse - 01/02/2018

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse completed its work late in 2017.  The seventeen-volume Final Report of the Royal Commission, which looked into the history of abuse in a range of institutions and organisations in Australia including religious groups, was published on 15 December 2017.  The Final Report Preface and Executive Summary summarises the findings and lists all the recommendations. There is also a brief guide to the Final Report.  The Royal Commission made 28 recommendations that set out governance standards – including the ten Child Safe Standards – and compliance mechanisms designed to ensure that children stay safe in religious institutions.  Our Parish Council is now familiarising itself with the findings and recommendations of the Royal Commission so as to develop, in conjunction with the Diocesan authorities, policies and procedures to ensure that our parish and our Diocese remain child-safe and child-friendly.

2017 Annual Diocesan Teen Retreat - 08/10/2017

This year our Diocese will hold its seventh annual Orthodox Teen Retreat.  Established in 2011, our Diocesan Teen Retreats cater for young people aged 14-17.  This year’s Teen Retreat will be held to the south of Sydney at Stanwell Tops from Sunday 17 December until Friday 22 December.  The programme will include services on 18-19 December for the commemoration of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra in Lycia.  For more information visit

Resources to help in understanding the issues in the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey - 07/09/2017

Our parishioners and friends who wish to better understand what is at stake in the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey are encouraged to visit the excellent Speak up for Marriage website, an initiative of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and New Zealand.  A great deal of useful information can also be obtained from the Coalition for Marriage and the Marriage Alliance.  In addition, a number of excellent articles concerning the challenges to religious freedom posed by a change to the definition of marriage have been written by distinguished journalist Paul Kelly, Editor-at-Large of national newspaper The Australian.

Now available - the August 2017 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/08/2017

The August 2017 issue of the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia is now available in our parishes.  In addition to Epistle of the Council of Bishops of ROCOR in both Russian and English, there is a range of interesting articles in both languages.  In Russian: "На восстановление единства Русской Церкве была воля Божия"; "К 100-летию Февральской буржуазно-демократической революции"; "Успение Пресвятой Богородицы" and more.  In English: "Bishop George of Canberra visits the Eastern American Diocese"; "The opening of the relics of our Father among the Saints Mardarije, first Serbian bishop of America and Canada", "The Life of Saint Mardarije of Libertyville (+1935)"; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

A collection to aid the construction of a church of Saint Nicholas in the Transbaikal Territory - 28/07/2017

Under the leadership of Sophia Mikhailovna Boikov, the Sydney-based Russo-Chinese Orthodox Mission is raising funds for the construction of a church in Shonoktui, a small village in the Borzinsky district of the Zabaykalsky Krai.  The Zabaykalsky Krai, or Transbaikal Territory, is a federal subject of Russia that shares borders with China and Mongolia.  The church is to be dedicated to Saint Nicholas, the wonderworker of Myra in Lycia, and will be within the Chita Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.  The building project has the blessing of the Diocesan authorities in Russia and the collection of funds in this Diocese has the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion and Bishop George.   In July 2016 a cross was blessed at the site on which the church will be constructed.   Donations can be made at the candle-desk in our church, or by direct deposit to the account of the Russo-Chinese Orthodox Mission (Commonwealth Bank of Australia BSB 062-130 ACN 10484933).  This is a worthy project – please give generously!

A Russian Orthodox Sacred Music Conference, Brisbane 2017 - 28/07/2017

From Wednesday 27 September until Monday 2 October this year, a Russian Orthodox Sacred Music Conference will be held in Brisbane.  Organised by the Diocesan Liturgical Music Committee, the conference programme will include lectures from eminent guest speakers including Archpriest Andre Papkov from Chicago, USA, intensive choral workshops and rehearsals at Saint Seraphim’s church and Saint Nicholas Cathedral, common meals, and a hierarchical All-night Vigil and Divine Liturgy at the church of Our Lady of Vladimir.  The cost – not including accommodation – will be $200.00 per person and $150.00 for students, with discounts available for early registration.  Details of accommodation packages will be made available in due course.  See also: 

A series of lectures in Dogmatic Theology, Strathfield, 17-19 July - 16/07/2017

At the invitation of Metropolitan Hilarion, Metropolitan Jonah (Paffhausen) will give a series of lectures in Dogmatic Theology on the evenings of Monday 17 July, Tuesday 18 July, and Wednesday 19 July.  Dogmatic theology is that part of theology that concerns the theoretical foundations of our faith.  The lectures will be delivered in English in the Church Hall at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral, 3 Vernon Street, Strathfield.  A full-size flyer is available here.

Diocesan Youth Symposium in honour of the Royal Martyrs of Russia - 14-17 July, 2017 - 08/06/2017

From Friday 14 July to Monday 17 July this year, Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral will host a four-day youth symposium in honour of the Royal Martyrs of Russia.  The keynote speaker at the Symposium will be His Eminence Metropolitan Jonah (Paffhausen), retired First Hierarch of the Orthodox Church in America and now a bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  All-night Vigil for the Royal Martyrs will begin at 10.00pm on Sunday 16 July and be followed by a midnight Divine Liturgy.  More information is available at

The patronal feast-day of Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Wallsend (Newcastle) - 01/05/2017

On 21-22 May Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Wallsend (Newcastle) will have services in honour of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Italy, the patronal feast of that parish.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Sunday 21 May.  At 8.15am on Monday 22 May there will be a lesser blessing of water, and at 9.00am Divine Liturgy will be served.  Following the service there will be a moleben to Saint Nicholas with a procession around the church, after which there will have a festive lunch for those present.  All are welcome!

Now available - the April 2017 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/05/2017

The April 2017 issue of the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia is now available in our parishes.  In addition to Metropolitan Hilarion's Paschal Epistle in both Russian and English, there is a range of interesting articles in Russian and English.  In Russian: "Любимый ученик Христа: Апостол Иоанн Богослов"; "Подвижники Божии ХХ век: Игумен Ипполит (Халин)"; "Игуменья Тамара и паломники Елеонский горы".  In English: "The Ascension of the Lord"; "Not Abdication of the Tsar, but Abdication from the Tsar", the text of a lecture given by Tatyana Mironova at the International Historical-Theological Conference at Tsarkoye Selo; an interview with Metropolitan Onuphry (Berezovsky) about the newly-reposed Archimadrite Kirill (Pavlov); and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Russian and other Orthodox Kids' Camp, 10-16 December 2017 - 16/04/2017

A group of young families working under the auspices of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin parish in Cabramatta, NSW, is again organising a camp for Russian and other Orthodox children and young people aged 8-17 to be held in Toukley, NSW - here on the Central Coast - from 10 December - 16 December 2017.  The cost will be $399.00 per person.  For those interested, more information is available here.

A fundraising dinner to benefit the Presentation Convent and the Holy Transfiguration Monastery - 01/02/2017

On the evening of Sunday 28 May 2017 a fundraising dinner will be held at the Fontana Amarosa Reception Centre, next to the Greek Orthodox Church of Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene in Liverpool, NSW, to assist the Presentation Sisterhood in Bungarby, NSW and the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Bombala, NSW, monastic communities of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.  During the evening there will be a performance by the Melisma Ensemble, a slideshow presentation by Abbot Sergei of the Holy Transfiguration Monastery on ‘Hagia Sophia: The Mother of Churches’, and a performance from the Russian Orthodox Choir.  Child-minding will be available.  Tickets are $50.00 for adults and $15.00 for children aged 15 and younger.  Seating will be at round tables of 12.  More information, including information about a fundraising raffle, is available at

Russian and other Orthodox Kids' Camp, 11-17 December 2016 - 20/10/2016

A group of young families working under the auspices of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin parish in Cabramatta, NSW, is organising a camp for children and young people aged 8-17 to be held in Toukley, NSW - here on the Central Coast - from 11 December - 17 December 2016.  For those interested, more information is available here.  This year the Diocesan Teen Retreat - for young people aged 13-17 - will be held on the Queensland Sunshine Coast from 19 December - 23 December.

The patronal feast-day of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Protection of the Mother of God, Blacktown - 05/10/2016

On Saturday 15 October 2016, the day after the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, the Russian Orthodox Church of the Protection of the Mother of God in Blacktown, NSW, will celebrate its patronal feast-day.  This parish is one of only two parishes of the Moscow Patriarchate in Australia.  The lesser blessing of water will be served at 8.30am, the Hours at 9.00am, and Divine Liturgy at 9.30am.  At 12.00pm there will be a festive lunch.  More information including the church address and contact details is available in English here, and in Russian here.

"Brementown Musicians": A musical presentation of the Central Coast Russian School is to be held on Sunday 31 July 2016 - 23/07/2016

At 12.00pm on Sunday 31 July the students, teachers and parents of the Central Coast Russian School will present a musical, "Brementown Muscians", at Woy Woy Public School, Bowden Road, Woy Woy.  Tickets are $20.00 per family.  Information is available in Russian here and in English here.  

The 2015-16 Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 07/01/2016

The 2015-16 Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, can be read in English here and in Russian here.

Fifty-First Annual Diocesan Youth Conference, 26-31 December 2015 - 01/11/2015

This year our Diocese will also hold its fifty-first consecutive annual Diocesan youth conference or "Syezd".  Established in 1965 at the instigation of the ever-memorable Archbishop Sava (Raevsky, +1976), these conferences have been an important spiritual and social event for the youth of our Diocese ever since.  This year’s conference – the theme of which is ‘The Apocalypse’ – will be held from 26-31 December in Melbourne and is open to young people aged 18 and over.  For more information visit

2015 Annual Diocesan Teen Retreat - 01/11/2015

This year our Diocese will hold its fifth annual Orthodox Teen Retreat.  Established in 2011, our Diocesan Teen Retreats cater for young people aged 14-17.  After three years in Sydney and one in Melbourne, this year’s Teen Retreat will be held on Queensland’s beautiful Sunshine Coast from Sunday 20 December until Thursday 24 December. For more information visit

"Remember your leaders": The fortieth anniversary of the repose of Archpriest Rostislav Gan - 01/11/2015

On Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 December the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia will prayerfully commemorate the fortieth annversary of the repose of Archpriest Rostislav Gan, an influential spiritual father, exemplary pastor and noted liturgist who was a priest in China before serving as rector of the Protection of the Holy Virgin parish in Cabramatta for over 20 years.  Further information is available in English here and in Russian here.

Russian Orthodox Kids' Camp, 13-19 December 2015 - 30/08/2015

A group of young families associated primarily with the Protection of the Holy Virgin parish in Cabramatta, NSW, is organising a camp for children and young people aged 7-17 to be held in Toukley, NSW - here on the Central Coast - from 13 December - 19 December 2015.  For those interested, more information is available here.  It should be noted that this year the Diocesan Teen Retreat - for young people aged 14-17 - will be held in on the Queensland Sunshine Coast from 20 December - 24 December.

Deacon Constantine Moshegov elevated to the rank of Protodeacon - 19/04/2015

On Sunday 19 April, Thomas Sunday, Deacon Constantine Moshegov was raised to the rank of Protodeacon by Metropolitan Hilarion during Divine Liturgy at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in Strathfield.  Protodeacon Constantine - who is also a well-known eye surgeon - has served in our parish many times and is the brother-in-law of our own Deacon Martin Naef.  We warmly congratulate Father Constantine on his elevation and wish him many more years of faithful service to the Holy Orthodox Church.  Axios!  A Russian-language article with photographs is available on the Diocesan website here.

The ordination of Deacon Simon Polorotov - 18/04/2015

On Saturday 18 April, Bright Saturday, Simon Polorotov was ordained to the diaconate by Metropolitan Hilarion during Divine Liturgy at Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Fairfield, NSW.  The newly-ordained Deacon Simon is the older brother of Protodeacon German Polorotov and will undertake his clerical service at Fairfield, filling the position vacated by Father German upon his move to the Tweed Heads parish.  Father Simon is a long-term friend of our parish, he and his family having donated the icons of Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga and Blessed Xenia of Saint Petersburg that adorn our iconostasis at West Gosford.  We warmly congratulate Father Simon on his ordination to the diaconate and wish him many years of faithful service to the Holy Orthodox Church.  Axios!  A photo-report is available on the Fairfield parish website here, and an article in the Russian-language newspaper "Unification" can be viewed here.

The induction of His Grace Bishop George as Diocesan Administrator and Bishop of Canberra - 17/04/2015

On Thursday 16 April and Friday 17 April our parish clergy, Priest James Carles and Deacon Martin Naef, participated in festive services to mark the commencement of Bishop George’s service as Bishop of Canberra, Vicar of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia and Diocesan Administrator.  At Divine Liturgy on Friday morning thirty-eight priests and deacons of our Diocese concelebrated with Metropolitan Hilarion, Bishop George, Bishop Irinej of the Serbian Orthodox Archdiocese, and clergy from the Greek and Serbian Orthodox Churches.  A number of our parishioners were also present for Divine Liturgy, with Matushka Tatiana Naef, Anne Nielsen and Katia Waters all later representing the parish at the official luncheon together with the clergy.  We welcome Bishop George to our Diocese and look forward to his first pastoral visit to our parish as Diocesan Administrator.  A Russian-language article with photographs is available on the Diocesan website here.

Diocesan Collection for the reinterment of the ever-memorable Bishop Constantine (Jesensky, +1996) - 24/10/2014

Emmanuel Jesensky, the future Bishop Constantine, was born in 1907 in Saint Petersburg, where his father, a nobleman, worked in the Imperial Chancery. Taken prisoner in 1918, his father was executed by the Bolsheviks. His mother, on receiving this news, died of a heart attack, leaving eleven-year-old Emmanuel an orphan. Moving to be with his surviving family to Riga, Latvia, he finished school and worked in a pharmacy. At the same time he studied iconography under the masterful Old Rite iconographer, Pimen Sofronov. In 1928 New Martyr Archbishop John of Riga blessed him to enter seminary. He graduated in 1930 and went to Paris, where he undertook postgraduate theological studies. In 1932 he was ordained to the priesthood and sent to Berlin, serving in parishes in Germany until 1949, when he emigrated to the United States and served in parishes of the Eastern American Diocese. In October 1967 he was tonsured a monk and given the name Constantine, and in December 1967 he was consecrated Bishop of Brisbane, Vicar of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese. A deeply spiritual man who loved the beauty of God's house and the Divine Services, he served in Australia from 1967 until 1978 and then in the Eastern American Diocese and the Great Britain until his retirement in 1985. From 1991 he lived at a monastery in Texas where he reposed and was buried. Sadly, the monastery was later closed, and the property passed from the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia. For many years the Synod of Bishops has endeavoured to have Bishop Constantine’s remains transferred from Texas to the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, New York. This has now become possible, and the parishes of our Diocese have been asked to assist in this good work. Those amongst the faithful who wish to help may obtain more information from the parish rector.

2014 Annual Diocesan Teen Retreat - 24/10/2014

This year our Diocese will hold its fourth annual Orthodox Teen Retreat.  Established in 2011, our Teen Retreats cater for young people aged 14-17.  After three years in Sydney, this year’s Teen Retreat will be held in Melbourne, Victoria. For more information visit

Fiftieth Annual Diocesan Youth Conference, 26-31 December 2014 - 24/10/2014

This year our Diocese will also hold its fiftieth consecutive annual Diocesan youth conference or "Syezd".  Established in 1965 at the instigation of the ever-memorable Archbishop Sava (Raevsky, +1976), these conferences have been an important spiritual and social event for the youth of our Diocese ever since.  The Jubilee Syezd will be held from 26-31 December 2014 at the "New-Shamordino" Convent of our Lady of Kazan in Kentlyn, NSW, the site of the conference in 1965 and again from 1979-1985.  The conference is open to young people aged 18 and over.  For more information visit

Bishop George visits two Greek Orthodox monasteries on the Central Coast - 08/08/2014

On Friday 8 August 2014 Hs Grace Bishop George of Mayfield visited two monasteries of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, both located in Mangrove Mountain here on the New South Wales Central Coast: Pantanassa Monastery and Holy Cross Convent. His Grace was accompanied by our parish rector, Father James Carles.


Arriving at Pantanassa Monastery shortly after 10.00am, Vladyka was greeted with the ringing of the monastery bells. Abbot Eusebios and his brethren had assembled before the main monastery building to welcome Vladyka, after which they escorted him to the chapel. There, Father Eusebios served a brief moleben for Vladyka’s health before greeting him with warm words of welcome, thanking him for his attention and asking for his prayers.


The brethren then received Vladyka in the monastery reception room, serving Greek coffee, nuts, dried fruits and Greek pastries. An edifying conversation followed, with Vladyka and the brethren sharing details of the life and struggles of their respective monasteries. The brethren asked for Vladyka’s thoughts with regard to the monastic life in particular and Orthodox Christian life in general, and all shared their concern with regard to troubling developments in contemporary life.


After walking over the monastery grounds, inspecting the new guest house and garage being constructed, and venerating the large Cross of Christ in a small outdoor chapel, the guests were invited to the refectory. There, Vladyka was given the place of honour, and as the brethren and their guests ate, the monastery’s newest monk, Father Theodoros, read from the Counsels of Elder Paisios.


Following lunch the entire brotherhood escorted Vladyka and Father James to the site of their new monastery, an imposing structure under construction high on the cliff above their present home. Vladyka was again welcomed with the ringing of bells, after which he was shown the new church and the future refectory, kitchen, library, office and monastic cells.


Father Eusebios and his brethren then bid Vladyka a warm farewell, asking for his prayers and expressing the hope that he might one day visit again.


Vladyka and Father James then drove the short distance to the Holy Cross Convent. Abbess Philothea and her sisters also greeted Vladyka at the monastery gates with the ringing of bells, escorting him to the public chapel while singing the troparion of the Cross in Greek. After taking refreshments in the convent dining room and discussing the two monasteries of the Holy Cross – in Mangrove Mountain and in West Virginia - the guests were given a brief tour of the buildings and grounds by Mother Philothea and her sisters, finishing at the site of the new church, the construction of which is soon to begin.


Vladyka and Father James then returned to our church for the all-night vigil for our patronal feast of Saint Panteleimon. Their visit to the monasteries was a most edifying one. The Greek Orthodox monastics greeted Vladyka with warmth and showed him great honour, also giving an inspiring example of what can be achieved with trust in God and steadfast commitment to His service. Glory be to God for all things!

Saint Vladimir's Day services in Centennial Park, 27-28 July - 28/07/2014

On Sunday 27 July and Monday 28 July our parish clergy participated in services on the occasion of the patronal feast of Saint Vladimir's parish in Centennial Park, Sydney's oldest Russian Orthodox parish.  At All-night Vigil on Sunday evening, presided at by His Grace Bishop George of Mayfield, vicar of the Eastern American Diocese, Father James and Father Martin served together with parish rector Priest Daniel Metlenko, Hieromonk John (MacPherson) (Holy Trinity Monastery, Monkerai) Priest Alexander Korjenevski (Saint George's, Blacktown), Protodeacon Vasily Hadarin (Saint Michael's, Blacktown), Protodeacon Alexander Kotlaroff (Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield) and Deacon Constantine Moshegov (All Saints of Russia, Croydon).  At Divine Liturgy on the following day Priest Simon Nekipelov (Strathfield) also served.  To the great joy of all present, during the services Priest Daniel Metlenko was raised to the rank of Archpriest in recognition of his faithful service to the Church.  Axios!

In memoriam: Svetlana Iliuk - 30/06/2014

On Wednesday 25 June we learned with sorrow of the repose of Svetlana Iliuk, a well-known parishioner of the Protection of the Holy Virgin parish in Cabramatta and a longstanding friend of our parish in Gosford.  On Monday 30 July our parish rector and a number of our parishioners gathered together with Svetlana's family and a great many friends for her funeral at Cabramatta and burial at Rookwood Cemetery.  May God give her rest, and make her memory to be eternal!  We offer our heartfelt condolences to Svetlana's husband Vladimir and to their children Dimitry, Anna, Peter and Michael and their families.  Peter and Michael lived on the Central Coast for a number of years, and both assisted in the building of our church in West Gosford.

A pilgrimage to the Holy Trinity Monastery, Monkerai - 9 June 2014 - 18/05/2014

On Monday 9 June the Holy Trinity Monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia in Monkerai, NSW, will celebrate its patronal feast. Divine Liturgy will begin at 10.00am, and will be followed by a moleben, a festive lunch, and a walk around the monastery grounds. The services will be in English and in Church Slavonic. More information is available here.

A fundraising dinner to benefit the Presentation Convent in Bungarby, NSW - 01/05/2014

On the evening of Sunday 1 June 2014 a fundraising dinner will be held in the parish hall of the Protection of the Holy Virgin Church in Cabramatta, NSW, to assist the Building Fund of the Presentation Sisterhood in Bungarby, NSW.  Abbess Anna, the sisterhood's superior, will be present at the dinner, as will some of the sisters.  After dinner Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff, our Diocesan Secretary and the senior priest of the Protection of the Holy Virgin Cathedral in Melbourne, Victoria, will give a talk: "Christianity: Not a Religion".  More information is available here.  Please support the Sisterhood by attending this dinner or by making a donation to the Building Fund.

Metropolitan Hilarion's 2014 Paschal Epistle - 19/04/2014

Metropolitan Hilarion's 2014 Paschal Epistle can be viewed in English in PDF format here.  The Russian version can be viewed here.

Russian Orthodox Kids' Camp, 14-19 December 2014 - 17/04/2014

A group of young families associated primarily with the Protection of the Holy Virgin parish in Cabramatta, NSW, is organising a camp for children and young people aged 7-17 to be held in Toukley, NSW - here on the NSW Central Coast - in December 2014.  For those interested, more information is available here.  It should be noted that this year the Diocesan Teen Retreat - for young people aged 15-18, or in Years 9-12 - will be held in Victoria from 19 December-24 December.

Seventh Diocesan Liturgical Music Conference, 1-4 May 2014, Canberra - 01/04/2014

This year, the parish of Saint John the Forerunner in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, will host the Seventh Diocesan Liturgical Music Conference ("Певческий Съезд").  The conference will begin on Thursday 1 May and end on Sunday 4 May with a concert in Canberra.  God willing, Metropolitan Hilarion will preside at All-night vigil and Divine Liturgy.  Participating in a program across four days will be Father George Johnson (ROCOR, USA), Georgiy Safonov (Danilov Monastery, Moscow) and Abbot Sergei (Shatrov) (Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Bombala, NSW).  More information is available from the Canberra parish website here.

Book Launch: 'Russian Embers: A Journey in Search of Home' - 02/03/2014

At 1.00pm on Saturday 15 March 2014 'Russian Embers: A Journey in Search of Home', a book written by our parishioner Anya Nielsen, will be launched at Book Bazaar, a bookshop in West Street, Umina Beach.  The guest speaker at the launch will be Chis Holstein MP, the Member for Gosford in the NSW Legislative Assembly.  Our parishioners and friends are welcome to attend.  Those planning to do so should RSVP on 0415-479220.

"Save our Sacred Space": A campaign to preserve the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Bombala, NSW - 15/02/2014

A campaign is underway to preserve the main monastic community for men in the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia, the Holy Transfiguration Monastery near Bombala, NSW, from the effects of 120 industrial wind turbines to be constructed on an adjoining property.  Our parishioners and friends can find out more by visiting the campaign website and Facebook page.

The design of the Lubyanka "church-on-the blood" is finalised - 07/11/2013

In November 2012 our parish became aware of plans to build a new cathedral in Moscow's Lubyanka, a "church-on-the-blood" at the site of the persecution and martyrdom of countless Orthodox Christians during the Soviet era.  It was proposed that the cathedral would be dedicated to the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. Inspired by this wonderful project that demonstrated the extent of change in Russia, our Parish Council decided that the proceeds of our Nativity Fast collection would go towards this new church.  Over the course of the Nativity Fast A$1124.70 was collected, and early in 2013 our parish passed this money to the Sretensky Monastery, on the grounds of which the new church is to be constructed.  Our parishioners and friends who contributed to this collection will be interested to learn that the design of the new church has now been finalised.  An article in Russian about the project and the process of choosing the design can be found here.

A Russian-English children's book is launched - 14/09/2013

On Saturday 14 September our parishioner Katerina Korelkevich-Rubbo launched her Russian-English childrens' book, The Little Bird Told Me, at her home in Avoca Beach.  A lively and diverse group gathered for this event, amongst whom were the parish rector and a number of our parishioners.  Initially written and illustrated almost 20 years ago for Katerina's daughter Ellen, its publication is the realisation of a long-cherished hope.  Congratulations to Katerina on the publication of her beautiful book!  Information about the availability of copies in print and e-book format can be found here.

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