The January 2014 meeting of the Parish Council -
14/01/2014Our Parish Council held its January 2014 meeting on Tuesday 14 January. As it was the feast of the Circumcision of the Lord, the meeting began with the singing of the troparion “O Jesus, Who in the highest” («На престоле огнезрачнем»). The usual reports on parish life and finances were presented and considered, and Father James and Rick Golovin reported on their participation in the Seventeenth Diocesan Conference in December 2013. A number of other issues were then discussed, including the operation of the parish bookstore of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, parish communications, and ongoing parish initiatives relating to risk management and child safety. Applications for renewal of parish membership were tabled and accepted and a plan for celebrations of the tenth anniversary of the opening of our parish centre at West Gosford was agreed upon. The Parish Council will next meet on Tuesday 11 February 2014.