The November 2014 meeting of the Parish Council -
11/11/2014The Parish Council met on Tuesday 11 November. Immediately before the meeting, Parish Council members and others gathered for a panikhida for the newly-departed handmaiden of God Sophia Kfoury, a member of the Parish Council since 2004. At the meeting the usual reports were presented. Particular attention was given to the recent acquisition by the parish of mobile technology allowing the bookstore – and, if need be, the church candle-desk – to receive payments by card through Paypal rather than cash. A proposed appeal for assistance with the purchase of a property was further considered and preparations for the Annual General Meeting were reviewed. The use of Skype for some Parish Council meetings was also discussed, two members of the Parish Council living over 50 kilometres from the church. The Parish Council will next meet on 9 December 2014.