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The funeral of Sophia Kfoury - 18/11/2014

On Monday 17 November and Tuesday 18 November our parish had a series of services for the repose of the soul of our dear friend and long-serving Parish Council member Sophia Kfoury. At 8.00pm on Monday evening her body was brought to the church and a Great Panikhida (“parastas”) was served, after which family and friends – in accordance with Orthodox custom – took it in turns to read each section ("kathisma") of the Psalter and the appointed prayers for the departed. This continued throughout the night, ceasing at around 8.00am on Tuesday. The Order of Preparation for Holy Communion was then read before the commencement of the Hours and Divine Liturgy. Concelebrating with the parish rector at Divine Liturgy were Archimandrite Alexis (Rosentool) of the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Bombala and Hieromonk John (MacPherson) of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai. A great many people gathered for the funeral service, preceding which Archimandrite Alexis – a long-term friend of the Kroury family spoke movingly about Sophia’s remarkable history and personal qualities. Following the funeral she was buried at Point Clare Cemetery alongside her beloved mother, the ever-memorable Nun Maria (Gafu) (+2004). A memorial meal was afterwards held at the Narara Community Centre. May God grant rest to His newly-reposed handmaiden Sophia!

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