Matins of Great and Holy Monday and Wednesday -
07/04/2015Since 2005 it has been the custom in our parish to serve Matins of Great and Holy Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on the first three evenings of Holy Week - Sunday, Monday and Tuesday respectively. At these solemn and beautiful services the troparion "Се Жених грядет в полунощи" ("Behold, the Bridegroom comes in the middle of the night") is sung, and later - after the reading of the canon - a trio sings the exapostilarion "Чертог Твой" ("I see Thy bridal chamber adorned"). The icon placed in the middle of the church is one depicting Christ "the Bridegroom". This year, services were held only on the evenings of Sunday 5 April and Tuesday 7 April, the parish rector serving All-night Vigil for the Great Feast of the Annunciation of the Mother of God in Wallsend on the evening of Monday 6 April.