Services on 5-6 December, the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost -
06/12/2015On Saturday 5 December and Sunday 6 December we have services for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Right-believing Great Prince Alexander Nevsky. As it was the Afterfeast of the Great Feast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple our small church was beautifully vested in blue. Following the Prayer before the Amvon, the parish rector blessed our new icon of the Holy Trinity. This icon, the work of iconographer Dimitri Lihachov, was commissioned in memory of Sophia Kfoury and Tatiana Elgin-Borodin, two much-loved parishioners who reposed late in 2014. After the dismissal, a memorial litia was served for Sophia and Tatiana together with Patriarch Alexis II (+5 December 2009), Archpriest Rostislav Gan (+8 December 1975), Tatiana Venttsel (+3 December 2012) and Igor Sukhov (+4 December 2013). A collection was then taken up for the Indonesian Mission, and it was announced that the proceeds of the parish collection during the Nativity Fast would benefit the Sunday School for Girls at the Holy Trinity Convent in Birsk, Bashkortostan.