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The February 2016 meeting of the Parish Council - 09/02/2016

On Tuesday 9 February the Parish Council met for the first time in 2016.  Making use of equipment installed since the last meeting, two members of the Parish Council participated via Skype.  The usual pastoral, administrative and financial reports were presented. Attention was then given to a number of important matters: Orthodox Christian education, the future and the direction of the parish, and priorities in charitable work.  It was agreed that the parish would in 2016 once again sponsor Haiti Orthodox  Family Relief and provide one full-year and two half-year scholarships to Saint Serpahim Community Russian School, Hornsby.  Decisions were also made to proceed with the installation of new air-conditioning in the parish centre, serve blini on Sunday 7 March, and celebrate the parish’s patronal feast-day of Saint Panteleimon on Friday 5 August and Saturday 6 August 2016.  The Parish Council is scheduled to meet next on Tuesday 8 March 2016.

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