Services on 4-5 March, the First Sunday in Great Lent -
05/03/2017On Saturday 4 March and Sunday 5 March we had services for the First Sunday in Great Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy. Joining the parish clergy for Divine Liturgy on Sunday was Protodeacon German Polorotov of the Saint Xenia Church of the Saints Kyrill and Methodius Mission in Tweed Heads, NSW, a respected clergyman of our Diocese who has served faithfully as a deacon for over 25 years. As is the custom in parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia on the Sunday of the Triump of Orthodoxy, a moleben “For the Conversion of those in Error” was served following the Prayer before the Amvon. A collection for the Holy Trinity Seminary was then taken up. In the evening, Vespers with the Passia was served.