Services on 6-7 April, the Great Feast of the Annunciation -
07/04/2017On Thursday 6 April and Friday 7 April, the final day of the Holy Forty Days of Great Lent, we had services for the Great Feast of the Annunciation. All-night vigil - Great Compline with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil, together with Matins and the First Hour - was served on Thursday evening. On Friday morning we had the Third, Sixth and Ninth Hours and Typica, followed by Vespers with the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom. Only a small number of worshippers were present as it was the final weekday before the Autumn school holidays, but almost everyone received Holy Communion. After a festive lunch many helped clean and decorate our small church for the services that evening and on the following morning.