The March 2020 meeting of the Parish Council -
24/03/2020On Tuesday 24 March the Parish Council met by teleconference. Reports were heard on parish life and finances. Particular attention was given to the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on parish life. It was agreed that the parish rector would serve Divine Liturgy privately on Sundays and major feast days while the church remained closed for public worship. Arrangements would be made for the commemoration books of all our parishioners to be read at Divine Liturgy, thus ensuring that prayers continued to be offered for all our living and departed relatives, benefactors and friends. In addition, molebens to Saint Panteleimon and Saint Nicholas would be served following Divine Liturgy on alternating Sundays. Other matters discussed included the possibility of the parish rector taking Holy Communion to the faithful in their own homes, preliminary designs for our new iconostasis, and options for cashless transactions when purchasing prosfora and candles or making donations. The Parish Council agreed to meet more often during the present crisis.