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Services on 14-15 March, the Second Sunday of Great Lent - 15/03/2020

On Saturday 14 March and Sunday 15 March we had services for the Second Sunday in Great Lent, the day of commemoration of Saint Gregory Palamas (+1359 AD).  As Saturday 14 March was a day of commemoration of the departed a general pannikhida was served prior to the Saturday evening service.  In accordance with the instructions of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia we commemorated their Beatitudes the ever-memorable Metropolitans Anthony and Anastassy; the Metropolitans Philaret, Vitaly and Laurus; our ever-memorable Diocesan hierarchs Archbishops Theodore, Savva, Theodosy, Afanasy, and Paul; all those who for Christ and the Russian Church laboured in divers lands, and the other archpastors, pastors, founders and benefactors of the Russian Diaspora; for the elect sons and daughters of the Church of Russia, who faithfully struggled for her unity, good estate and honour in the realms of piety, blessedness, governance, the protection of the persecuted and the veneration of the New Martyrs and Confessors; and for all our righteous ancestors, and for their peaceful repose and blessed memory.  Matins was then served on Saturday evening.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday the Prayer in time of Devastating Epidemic was read.  In his sermon our parish rector spoke about Saint Gregory Palamas and the defence of Orthodoxy and reflected on the importance of steadfast faith in the current crisis.  Following the service a collection was taken up to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York, raising $190.00.  As social distancing was recommended by the civil authorities, no cup of tea was offered after the Sunday service.

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