Services on 8-9 August, the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the great-Martyr Panteleimon -
09/08/2020On Saturday 8 August and Sunday 9 August we had services for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Great Martyr Panteleimon (+305 AD), the heavenly patron of our parish. All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning. As it was also the fiftieth anniversary of the glorification of Saint Herman of Alaska, the magnification to that saint was sung on Saturday evening and Metropolitan Hilarion’s epistle marking this occasion was read in place of a sermon on Sunday morning. The customary blessing of water was served early on Sunday, outside and before the church doors. A moleben to Saint Panteleimon was served immediately after Divine Liturgy, following which the usual prayers were offered for the Patriarch and the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Australian and Russian lands, parish clergy and office-bearers, the people present, and for our departed parishioners. Attendance at the services was restricted by public health regulations to a total of thirty people. As a festive meal was not possible, the Ladies’ Auxiliary prepared and packaged piroshki and cake for those present to eat at home afterwards.