Services on 15-16 August, the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost -
16/08/2020On Saturday 15 August and Sunday 16 August we had services for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Isaac (+383 AD), Dalmatus (+446 AD), and Faustus (+5th C.) of Constantinople. All-night vigil was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning. In his sermon at Divine Liturgy the parish rector spoke about the three saints commemorated and their steadfast defence of Orthodoxy against Arianism and Nestorianism; about the adoption by Tsar Peter the Great of Saint Isaac as a patron saint because he had been born on the saint’s day of commemoration; and of how there are no chance events, things rather unfolding according to Divine Providence. Attendance at the services was restricted by public health regulations to a total of thirty people.