2022 - The year in review -
30/12/2022This year we mourned the loss of three people dear to us: Nestor Petroff (+16 January 2022), a much-loved parishioner who contributed greatly to parish life over the years; Protodeacon Constantine Moshegov (+30 January 2022), a long-standing friend of our parish, the brother-in-law of our own Protodeacon Martin Naef, and a respected Diocesan cleric; and ROCOR First Hierarch Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) (+16 May 2022), who as Diocesan Bishop blessed the establishment of our parish, suggested that it be named in honour of Saint Panteleimon, and gifted us a portion of the saint’s relics. As the COVID-19 pandemic continued, we continued to offer prayers for deliverance from the coronavirus. From February we laboured under the shadow of armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine. We offered prayers for peace and gave assistance to Ukrainian refugees living on the Central Coast. We had ten baptisms this year – one was of a young woman, Kaylah (Ksenia) Gray, and the others were of infants: Nikolai Karonin, Mila Potalitsyna, Agata Chylinksi, Michael Gorbatovskiy, Arina Rudyk, Orla Krikunov, Michael Odarchenko, Vera Rebrova and Sophia Trigg. A long-standing friend of our parish, Craig Koppman, was received into Orthodoxy by chrismation. Stephen Williamson and Helena Markovtsev were married in our church in May. We participated in the Great Lenten Pastoral Conference in March, in services in June marking the fortieth day of Metropolitan Hilarion’s repose, and in the Twentieth Australian-New Zealand Diocesan Assembly in October. Together with the Wallsend parish we provided an English-Russian wall calendar commemorating the fortieth anniversary of the repose of the noted ascetic and writer, Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) of Platina. The manufacture of a new iconostasis for our parish centre was completed in Moscow in August and work began to bring it to Australia for installation. We were given a beautiful icon of the Martyr Ludmila. Our parish rector made pastoral visits to the Mid North Coast of New South Wales in January, May and July, and in November he was appointed rector of the Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission there. All the news from 2022 can be read here. Glory be to God for all things!