Services on 18-19 March, the Third Sunday of Great Lent -
19/03/2023On Saturday 18 March and Sunday 19 March we had services for the Third Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross. Matins with the bringing out of the Cross was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning. As Saturday 18 March was a day of commemoration of the departed, a general panikhida was served before Matins on Saturday evening. As an act of kindness in memory of their departed ones, those attending the panikhida brought non-perishable foods (pasta, rice, pasta sauces, cooking oils, and pantry items) to be passed to a local charitable organisation for relief of the homeless. At Divine Liturgy on Sunday the parish rector was assisted by Protodeacon Martin Naef and Deacon Michal Matys, and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine. On Sunday evening we had Vespers with the Third Passia. At the Passia, chapters 22 and 23 of Saint Luke’s Gospel were read in English. Following the service, those present venerated the Holy Gospel and were anointed with oil.