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Services on 18-19 August, the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord - 19/08/2023

On Friday 18 August and Saturday 19 August we had services for the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of the LordAll-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves were served on Friday evening, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy  were served on Saturday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michael Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  On Saturday we were joined by friends from Newcastle and Sydney, and the newly baptised infant Ciara Jeloudev received Holy Communion for the first time.  At the Prayer before the Amvon, there was a blessing of fruit, as is customary on this day, and also a blessing of honey.

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