Statement on the administration of Holy Communion to those with coeliac disease and similar illnesses -
15/12/2024From December 6-9, 2024, the final session of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia for 2024 was held in New York. Amongst other things, the Synod considered the administration of the Mystery of Holy Communion to those who suffer from certain ailments such as coeliac disease and the associated condition of gluten-intolerance. The Synod “considered this a welcome opportunity to restate its age-old confession on the reception of this Sacrament, which remains unchanged: Namely, that in the Divine Liturgy we, as Christians grafted into the Body of Christ through Baptism, receive our Lord in His own Precious Body and Life-creating Blood. Not only is communion in the full offering of His Body and Blood together not a source of illness or danger, but it is instead the very source of Life, healing and sanctification. As such, those suffering from any condition relating to either of the earthly gifts offered in the Liturgy, namely bread and wine, should have no fear in approaching the Chalice to receive therefrom both the Body and Blood of their Saviour, for that which was offered in human frailty is transformed by Divine Grace into that which bestows Life unto all. For any further practical counsel based on personal circumstances or concerns, the individual should, as always, seek the guidance of his or her priest.” A full report on the meeting of the Synod is available in English here and in Russian here.