We generally have Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on the first and third Sundays of each month, with All-night vigil at 6.00pm the preceding Saturday evening. For other services, please see our current Schedule of Services, below. On the second and fourth Sundays of each month our rector serves at Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Wallsend and on the fifth Sunday, when such occurs, he visits and serves on the Mid-North Coast of New South Wales.
Friday 14th February
6.00 pm: All-night vigil
Saturday 15th February
9.00 am: Divine Liturgy with the blessing of candles and of grapes and other fruit
6.00 pm: Matins
Sunday 16th February
9.00 am: Divine Liturgy
Saturday 1st March
6.00 pm: All-night vigil
Sunday 2nd March
Cheesefare Sunday: Sunday of Forgiveness
9.00 am: Divine Liturgy with vespers and the rite of asking forgiveness
Monday 3rd March
Beginning of Great Lent
Clean Monday
7.00 pm: Great Compline with Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete
Tuesday 4th March
Clean Tuesday
7.00 pm: Great Compline with Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete
Wednesday 5th March
Clean Wednesday
7.00 pm: Great Compline with Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete
Thursday 6th March
Clean Thursday
7.00 pm: Great Compline with Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete
Saturday 15th March
5.00 pm: General panikhida
6.00 pm: Matins
Sunday 16th March
2nd Sunday in Great Lent: Saint Gregory Palamas
9.00 am: Divine Liturgy
Thursday 27th March
7.00 pm: Service of Anointing with Oil (Holy Unction)
Saturday 5th April
6.00 pm: All-night vigil
Sunday 6th April
5th Sunday in Great Lent: Saint Mary of Egypt
9.00 am: Divine Liturgy
6.00 pm: All-night vigil
Monday 7th April
9.00 am: Divine Liturgy
Friday 11th April
7.00 pm: Matins
Saturday 12th April
9.00 am: Divine Liturgy
Sunday 13th April
6.00 pm: Matins
Monday 14th April
Great Monday
7.00 pm: Matins
Tuesday 15th April
Great Tuesday
7.00 pm: Matins
Wednesday 16th April
Great Wednesday
7.00 pm: Matins
Thursday 17th April
Great Thursday
9.00 am: Divine Liturgy
Friday 18th April
Great Friday
12.00 pm: Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ
6.30 pm: Matins with Lamentations before the Tomb of Christ
Saturday 19th April
Great Saturday
8.00 am: Hours, Typika, Vespers and Divine Liturgy
10.30 pm: Reading of the Acts of the Holy Apostles
11.20 pm: Midnight Office
Sunday 20th April
12.00 am: Paschal Matins with the blessing of Easter eggs and cakes, followed by Divine Liturgy
11.00 am: Paschal Vespers with the blessing of Easter eggs and cakes
Saturday 3rd May
6.00 pm: All-night vigil
Sunday 4th May
Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers
9.00 am: Divine Liturgy
Saturday 17th May
6.00 pm: All-night vigil
Sunday 18th May
9.00 am: Divine Liturgy
Wednesday 28th May
6.00 pm: All-night vigil
Thursday 29th May
9.00 am: Divine Liturgy
Saturday 31st May
6.00 pm: All-night vigil
Sunday 1st June
Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council
9.00 am: Divine Liturgy
Spring 2021 - as a result of COVID-19 restrictions no service schedule was published
Winter 2021 - as a result of COVID-19 restrictions all services held in our church during July and August 2021 were closed to the public
Autumn 2020 - as a result of COVID-19 restrictions the services held in our church during Autumn 2020 did not follow the published schedule
January-March 2004
Father James Carles was ordained and assigned to our parish on 23 September 2001. He first served with us in November 2001. We have no service schedules prior to this date.